Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, January 27, 2011

This Is On My Mind

                                       Yellow Squash in June 2010

We have spent a lot of energy the last few days digging out the driveway, and a few neighbors driveways as well.  Good thing we have lots of man and woman power around here! 

I am one to not rush the seasons - each one has beauties and joys of it's own.  In the winter we slow down, spend more time playing games together, hanging out reading and drinking tea and coffee.  We love this!

                                           Bush Beans - June 2010

Last winter was long, and when spring came it was short because summer started early and got hot fast.  We lost some of our 'cold weather veggies' because of this, but we learned so much.

Flat Leafed Italian Parsley - June 2010

I am looking forward to trying some new varieties this year.  In fact we just placed our order for our new heirloom seeds.  We are busily planning where to place our new raised beds, and this year Lindsay wants to do an herb garden as well.  

We are hoping that when those groundhogs (Phil and Orphie) pop their heads out of their fancy winter quarters this year that they will find spring on it's way!

Linking up with Rhonda Jean...


Unknown said...

Don't you just love gardening! It's so refreshing to grow and harvest your own food! Happy planning!

rhonda jean said...

I agree that we need to enjoy the best of every season. Spring will come soon enough, and with it the work and joy of vegetable gardening. Are you checking out your garden catalogues now?

Mary said...

I had the same problem growing vegetables last year. We had deep south heat here in the Bluegrass.

Miss Melissa said...

Hi! :) Came across your blog today. I love it! Am now following from Australia. :) Its beautiful. :)

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


We actually just placed our order! Blogs like yours have been a inspiration to me, about living more simply, growing some of our own food,etc...


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