Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, January 13, 2011

This Is On My Mind

I am thinking about peach trees!  We are hoping to put in a few fruit trees this year and peaches are high on our list.  

Do you grow peaches and if so, do you have any tips? I'd love to hear them! 

My favorite are Red Haven....yum.  

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The Professor's Wife said...

I don't grow peach trees but would love too someday! We have an orange tree that I need to pick.

Calidore said...

Our peach trees haven't done so well due to the drought - now with all the water hopefully they will improve. In the mean time I have been madly bottling/preserving peaches that have been given to us by the many fruit growers that hubby does electrcial repairs for. They have kept me well and truly supplied with fruit and it's fabulous.

rhonda jean said...

Home grown peaches would have to be the most delicious of all the fruits. We has a peach tree and a nectarine tree but pulled both of them out two years ago because of fruit fly. We had the tree for about 5 years before the fruit fly found us, so we had a few good years with our peaches. Don't hesitate, plant it as soon as you can, you won't regret it.

Nicole said...

I love peaches too, but am highly allergic to them :O( Enjoy one for me this summer!

Mama to 12, so far said...

We have a few fruit trees. My only tip on peaches is when they look ripe and they look like they need to be picked....pick them!!!

For two years in a row we pass by the peach tree and we think, "hmmm, those need to be picked, maybe..." then we just keep going (because the tree is right by the driveway). Well this year we saw them, decided to pick them when we came home from church, drove to church, came home about 7 hours later and they were gone!!! Deer had gotten every last one of them.

So pick them or else the deer will!

Victory1 said...

We have two peach trees. I don't know what type they are....they were here when we bought the house. One is the small white peaches and the other is the "normal" peach. The white peaches haven't been big enough to do much. The other ones have been wonderful. I used to make peach jam, but my family isn't big on jams and jellies. So now we just freeze the extra and use them through out the year to either cook up as a side dish or to make peach cobbler/crisp. We put 20 plus quarts in the freezer this year. When you pick them, don't let them sit to long since they tend to ripen quickly. I lost a whole crop one year when I left them for a couple of days. We are hoping for a bigger crop this year since we did a major (long overdue)pruning this fall.

Laura K.

Dmarie said...

we planted a white peach tree last season and very anxiously awaiting it's first fruits. Wish we'd planted one years ago when we first moved here!

Marilyn in NM said...

We have the best peaches. Our little tree gets pruned every other year and on the years DH doesn't prune we have loads of peaches like this past Fall. They're big, sweet Freestones.
We try very hard not to put any chemicals near the tree although DH does fertilize the grass around it. The ladybugs usually take care of any aphid problem we have. So far in 30 years we've probably only had a few that the blossoms froze. We've strung lights to keep it from freezing which worked the best! you can tell....I love our peach tree.

The Pennington Point said...

I live in peach tree country. I don;t have any fruit trees, but like you, I'd love to. Everyone I know has peach trees in their yard and gets an abundance of them. Wouldn't it be great to have your own fruit?! Lisa~

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