Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It's A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood....

 We got about 4 inches of snow last night!  It is very dry, powdery snow.  It is so pretty with the sun shining on it, today we have some clear skies and sunshine!

 I love looking at my neighbor's pine trees.  So beautiful with the snow piled on them.  They look like they have been covered with powdered sugar...

  Can you see that my lights are on?  I love the glow through the snow...

The birds have been enjoying Tim's feeder.  I do believe that they will really love it today!

 There will be a bit of shoveling to do today...

 Do you want to come for a visit on the deck?  What!? You don't?  I would serve you hot chocolate! 

 I took this while Lindsay was out feeding the animals.  I love the sun coming up over the hill...

When this snow started yesterday afternoon, Emily was over at Hospitality Lane painting Chelsea's room.  She had driven herself over and it would be dark soon.  She called when they were basically done, to mention a few options.  Seeing as how she is a new driver - this was her first foray alone, it had started to snow and was almost dark, I prevailed with my view that she should head home.  

A few minutes later I am looking out the living room window where I had been sitting for a few hours working on my computer, when I realize that one of our horses is across the street and in a portion of our neighbor's yard that is toward a busy road.  In the next instant I realize that are both there!  I call for Lindsay, who get Rachel and they went out to get the horses.  Lindsay road Sandy back while leading Cheyenne.  Their escape was due to them being left in the arena to graze and with not much green to graze on right now they wandered away to look for greener pastures right now!  I do not know how they got where they were because I should have seen them go by in the front but I did not.  

It is never dull here, truly!

The younger set and I had a movie night last night, in my bedroom.  We moved my bed over to make room for Rachel and Sarah's double mattress and we settled in to watch the BBC version of Emma.  Sarah and I were the only ones who saw it through to the finish!  When Tim got home we moved Kyle from our bed to Rachel and Sarah's and the three of the them slept snuggly all night!  They love to sleep in our room!

Today I have a bit of work for my class at co-op tomorrow. I am teaching a literature class on Jane Austen's Persuasion.  This will be really a fun class; lots to discuss, lots of dances to learn, hairstyles to discuss, oh, then there is the issue of Napoleon.  And the British Navy.

I still have a cold, Rachel too.  We are not terribly sick but we are tired of blowing our noses! Pray for us will you?  It would be a pain to have to get a sub for my class especially the first week back to co-op.  Thanks!


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

We love that version of Emma, it quickly became our favorite.

Stephanie e-mailed me a few months ago to tell me one of the kids had accidentally scratched hers and she was brokenhearted... but she knew Mom had the same DVD (hint, hint).

So, yes, it went with me when we visited in October. I enjoy it but she uses British flicks to keep her sanity.

Becky K. said...

Chelsea is snuffly again. Will this never end?

Your pictures are very pretty. I was enjoying the view from the warmth of the doorway as the dogs searched and searched for a good potty spot this morning. They finally ended up on the other side of the road...something like the horses but for a different reason.

I am so glad Emma made it home without incident yesterday. She is such a sweetie.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Brenda, you are such a good Momma! I would hate to give up my British flicks...but of course my daughters are all still at I haven't been tested! ;)

Becky, Emily is a treasure. Truly. I'm Blessed.

Mama to 12, so far said...

Awww. It is so pretty!
Greener pastures for the horseys, that is funny! How do they feel about the snow?

I want to come take the co-op class!

Get well soon. Hugs.

Simple Home said...

My girls would love to be part of that class your teaching, especially Serena. How many do you teach in this class? I'd love to hear more about it. I loved your snow photos too. So beautiful!

Brenda said...

How beautiful! As a Texan that is so rare but I do love the snow. Your pictures are gorgious. Feeding the animals in the morning must have been very challenging with the cold. I love the movie night. Feel better soon, you are in my prayers.
Your Texas friend,

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...