Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, January 6, 2011

A New Driver In The Family

Emily is the latest of our kids to earn her driver's license!  She did very well, and she is one happy camper today!

In fact she is driving her dad, brother and younger sisters over to our friends' property to work on firewood today.  Kyle and Lindsay aren't feeling well today so they are hanging out here at home.

It is a joy to have children who love to work with their Dad.  They love to be around him and to help him out, or at least be around him.  And they like to be a part of doing real work that is a benefit to the family. 

When we were expecting our first child, Nate, someone asked us what our goals were for him.  The person went on to say that we needed to start right then working toward those goals.  We have found that to be true.  Kids come with all kinds of personalities but they can all be taught to love their families, to work together, to love the Lord...This person asked us if we just wanted to know our kids were saved and thus "safe" or did we want them to really know the Lord and walk with Him. 

We have 5 of our 6 walking with the Lord, so there is no "perfect" formula for raising your children, but the truths of God's Word are just that, TRUE.  We are still in the middle of raising our kids, as the younger ones are all under 12 years old!

I love to discuss child training and discipleship.  What have you found to be helpful in training your children?  Things you wish you had done differently?  Let's talk.


Tracy said...

Hooray for Emily!

Patience, dialogue, and example are key, I think to discipling our children. I wish I would've been more patient over the years. Our children seem to love the Lord, and for that I am so very thankful. ( Who can really know another's heart?) I take none of the credit, as I know that it's God who calls them, and does the work in their hearts. Yes, I am an instrument, but I can't stress enough how thankful I am that their salvation doesn't rely on me.

Andrea said...

Keeping my focus on the real goal which for me was to teach my kids, "to love the Lord their God with all their hearts and their neighbors as themselves." I believe this is the greatest gift we can give them...if we can somehow teach this to our kids everything else will fall into place.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...