Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Big Change

Every night, I tuck the little folk in, usually after we read together for a while.  Kyle is quick, he usually is ready to settle in and listen to Jonathan Park.  The young ladies however take longer.  They want to talk!  Tuesday night we discussed how we could make their room less crowded, and more functional for them.  This can be tricky in their small room with two very different personalities!  I told them we needed to pray that the Lord would give us good ideas as to how to go about doing this....and He did!

Here is their room before:

Desk and dresser - bed on the opposite was not functioning well for them.

So we turned the bed.  Then we moved a huge bookcase with school materials on it to the family room in the basement from Lindsay and Emily's room and moved Rachel's desk into that space.  Then we emptied the fabric from a dresser in L and E's room moved all the younger girls' clothes to that dresser.  Are you still with me?  Amazing!

Then we moved the girls dresser downstairs as well, and put the fabric in it.  Voila!  We now have an open space in the younger girls room!   


 The girls enjoying their new space this morning...

 A new inexpensive bookcase for dolls and well, books.

 Rachel - reading about Queen Victoria.  She is part young lady, part little girl still...

 Sarah - energy, emotion, a writer and artist....

 Their sweet stitcheries from Auntie Paula...

A stitchery of Sarah's own design...

 Monet - framed calendar page...

 Favorite books...

I am very happy with their bedroom now...I think they are too!


Unknown said...

I shared a bedroom with my sister for many years. She is my best friend and we still live only two streets away from each other. Love the penguins on the bedding and that they have such comfy looking reading chairs.

Mama to 12, so far said...

Cute! I love the Monet calander page! I love Monet's work and have some reproductions in the dining room, which will eventually be all decorated with Monet!

Trish said...

Well done, Deanna!
It looks great and the girls look happy relaxing on those comfy chairs!
It's amazing how a room can be transformed by moving just a few things around.
And it's so nice to have a change now and then!
The stitcheries are lovely - including your daughter's own creation :-)
Thanks for sharing this for LACE today.
much blessing to you..Trish

Nell said...

Joining you from LACE,
Your girls bedroom is lovely, I have to tell you I also liked the before shots..
My girls are also in a joint room it looks smaller than the one your girls share but it has a massive storage cupboard in it.
I am sure your girls will love is their new surroundings, a change after all is almost as good as a holiday.
Your blog is lovely,
thank you for sharing
blessings to you and your family

Cheryl said...

It's funny how these home-y solutions are right in front of our eyes, and often so simple? (Well, I'm sure that the actual moving of all that furniture around wasn't easy! I guess I mean the simplicity of principle. And with things that you already own!)

I'm sure the girls are loving their spruced up room! A few changes in the abode seem to perk up the female heart, don't you think? ;-)

(And, thank you for asking, but you are more than welcome to link to my post. I am just happy to know that you found it inspirational. By His grace...)

Blessings to you, Deanna!

Anonymous said...

How inspiring! Great thought to move the fabric infested dresser downstairs. It does seem to appear roomier (is there such a word as roomier?) And the nail polish on top of their girly. They are learning to layer! This was such a fun post, thanks for sharing!

Melissa G said...

I love how God give us direction in even the details of arranging a room. It looks great!

Barbara Neubeck said...

Hi Mrs Rabe,
I like your solution to your girls bedroom problem.The new layout looks lovely.
I had three girls sharing a room and we were always changing the layout.My girls have gone on to re-arranging the rooms in their own homes regularly.Their children like to help.
God Bless
Barb from Australia

Rebecca said...

Yes! Pray about everything. What a grand solution. I got a little lost in the explanation though. (Not that it's any of my business, but where are their clothes again?)

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