Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday Morning Peek...

 at some of my work for Monday.  It's all delightful work too.  History, science, reading, math - work on the cute rag quilt for my great nephew Logan...

Later, I'll be making some applesauce...I bought a variety of apples on Friday, along with cider. Oh, and mulling spices.  Yep, it's definitely Autumn...

Warm days, bright blue October sky, cool nights, flannel sheets, evening tea...Lindsay and I bought some Scottish Breakfast tea and are enjoying that.

 "There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots may be 
lighted on, and produce so pleasant an effect on 
the feelings, as now in October." 
-  Nathaniel Hawthorne


Melissa G said...

Happy Monday!

Joy said...

It sounds like you have a lovely day planned!

Vee said...

Hmmm, the perfect kind of cozy day in October. Your house is going to be smelling so amazing. I'll drop by later for some tea and a dish of nice warm applesauce.

Emily Fay said...

Homemade Applesauce is the best! Have a lovely Monday! :)

Heather said...

Sounds like you have a lovely day ahead of you! I have never had Scottish Breakfast tea, I will have to look for some. I LOVE English breakfast, that is my usually what my morning cup is. ;o)

Becky K. said...

I just told Chelsea that we need to get to Cherry Hill and grab a huge bag of apples for sauce. Love that!

Simple Home said...

It sounds like a wonderful day. I can just imagine the smell of that applesauce cooking :)
Enjoy your week!

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