Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Teatime Tuesday

 Today, I wanted to show you my new tea cozy and my new tea cup.  They were both gifts given to me for my birthday. 

 Aren't they sweet? I took my tea cup with me on my trip to New England.  Every morning Tim would bring me hot water and I would use my own tea to enjoy a cuppa.

 Thank you Kelly, for the tea cup and Vee for my cozy! I love them!

Sunday, Lindsay and I found Scottish Breakfast Tea by Taylors of Harrowgate.  We enjoyed a cup last night, it's delicious!

Joining Sandi @ Rose Chintz Cottage for Teatime Tuesday

Wanda Lee @ Silken Purse for Tea Pots and Tea Things Tuesday

Martha @ Martha's Favorites 

Terri @ Artful Affirmations for Tea Cup Tuesday


Vee said...

Beautiful tea cup! Truly beautiful. Wonky cozy. Truly wonky.

Becky K. said...

Both are lovely! You have great friends!!

Snap said...

Gorgeous tea cup. Love the cozy. Enjoy the Scottish Breakfast Tea by Taylors! you are on your way to a very Happy Tea Day!

jean said...

The beautiful teacup is definitely my cup of tea. Very pretty!!

jean said...

Oh yes, the cozy! I took a second look. So pretty!

Martha's Favorites said...

Hi: What a beautiful tea cup! I am so glad you joined us. Have a wonderful day. Blessings, Martha

Wanda Lee said...

What a pretty teacup vignette; I must try some of that tea also!

Thanks for linking up to and partaking with TTTT and also, Tuesday Tea For Two; I always enjoy having you partake!

Hugs, Wanda Lee

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hello Deanna,
Oh what wonderful gifts! I LOVE your teacup with its pretty roses and the lovely green colour of the leaves! Breakfast tea is very nice and the tea cozy is wonderful with its lacy trim. Lovely birthday gifts!
Dear friend, I would so appreciate a rock from Philly! How sweet of you to offer to send me one! I will give you my address in an email.
Thank you for sharing with us today and have a lovely week.

Blessings and hugs,

Terri said...

Hello dear,
Happy birthday! What lovely gifts you received! The tea cozy is so quaint and your tea cup beautiful. I love the rose chitzy look. I too take a tea cup set on trips with me. I love having tea in a real cup!

no spring chicken said...

Hmmm... are you loved or what?

An English Country Dance? And we're invited? Oh, if only....

Blessings, Debbie

Tracy said...

Very pretty, both of them!

Tracy said...

Very pretty gifts.

Cheryl said...

I love that you brought your own tea cup along!
I have loved the "idea" of tea for years, but am a fairly recent convert...converted by my tea-loving daughter!
Tea has not replaced my favorite beverage (coffee), mind you, but I do enjoy a cup of tea these days.
Have you ever had Snow Flake Tea? (Be still my heart.)

Trish said...

Deanna, your teacup and cosy are very lovely indeed!
What sweet gifts!
I've never had Scottish Breakfast tea - Irish and English - but not Scottish.
Must keep my eye out for it :-)
Thanks for linking up to LACE today, my friend.
Have a blessed week..Trish

Gwendolyn said...

Two beautiful gifts! I'll take tea anytime of day. How sweet of your husband to bring you a cup each morning! Trust your vacation was a refreshing time!

Barbara Neubeck said...

Hello Deanna,
I like your cosy and cup very much. Lovely pressies! I like to have my first cup of tea of the day on my own while hubby and mum sleep.Doesn't happen often so it's special when it does.
I have been on holiday for a month and i'm enjoying catching up with my L.A.C.E friends
God Bless
Barb from Australia

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