Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, October 17, 2011

Real Love Is Hard Work...

I found these words on my friend Susanna's blog "The Blessing Of Verity."

Isn't this the truth?

We want love to be easy, but real love is not.  It's messy, and challenging, and painful, and hard.

It's sometimes in the trenches work - loving someone the Lord has placed in your family or home who just doesn't get 'you', or perhaps someone at work who just doesn't seem to like you and make no effort to hide it.

What ever the circumstance we are called by the Lord to love.

I have been challenged lately in this department.  It has been challenging to me to love a certain someone or two.  I have allowed myself to feel 'frustrated' and annoyed.  I have not been loving them.
The Lord never says it will be easy to love, or that I will feel all warm fuzzy about it, or that delightful music will play in the background....

Real love is hard work.  That's the truth.  I am thankful I don't have to do the work of love on my own.  I have the Holy Spirit to help me, to love through me so it doesn't even have to actually be my own love that loves others, but His.
How thankful I am for the hard work Jesus did, and continues to do on my behalf.  That is real love. The kind I'd like to have, and as the Lord has His way in my life, I will have - one day.


Mama to 12, so far said...


Vee said...

☺ I've got a couple of folks I'd like you to love. Ha! Oh. We can't shift this over to someone else? I'm going to have to do it? Oh dear. This could mean some trouble. Every time I look out the window today at John digging that trench, I'll have a visual example of your thoughts today.

Unknown said...

This is so very, very true! My Bible verse this morning was this:

Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer.

Rom. 12:12

God's little reminder to me that I only need to stand fast, be patient even when things don't look good, pray, and be hopeful He is doing the work.

Good post--and I so appreciate you!


no spring chicken said...

This is so true! I've been thinking on this quite a bit lately and coming to the Lord for wisdom.. and His love when it's hard for me to find my own.

Blessings, Debbie

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