Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

10 Days...

Until my sweetheart's birthday...

 This is our photo from last year.  We need to make time this week to take photos...the issue is work schedules.

11 more days until Christmas...I have a wee bit of shopping to do yet.  Today, is the day.  

18 more days until Lindsay's birthday!  She will no longer be a teenager! 

19 more days until our 24th anniversary!

Lots going on around here, as always.  I must run....I have a breakfast date!


Rebecca said...

You young things, you! Great picture...busy lives. May God bless your marriage & family BIG time!

Katy said...

Love the photo of you and your husband!! So sweet, truly!

Happy birthday to your hubby and daughter and happy anniversary to you and your husband!!! :)


no spring chicken said...

Don't people understand that CHRISTMAS is in December? Babies should be put on hold until January, or early in November? Now, the anniversary? That one's your own fault... :)

Blessings, Debbie

Vee said...

A date for breakfast? Those are my favorite kind! That's a very cute photo of the two of you. Somebody had you laughing. Lots going on in such a short'll be a busy one!

Humble wife said...

Love the photo from last year, and wow milestones all the time!!

Have a lovely month and enjoy your 24th!


Unknown said...

That is a wonderful picture of you two! May you have a wonderful day!

Cheryl said...

Oh, you do have a lot going on! (Sounds like August at our house, although at least August is a month without a major holiday!)

Enjoy your festivities!!

sherry said...

you two are so cute together.
love your smiles, and the smile
of your almost 20 year old
daughter. :o)

bless you during this very
busy time. hugs.

Brenda said...

Another year already?! What a bessing, cherish the times. So much and all happy milestones. Enjoy and God bless.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...