Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Bit O' Sight Seein'

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Tomorrow we are heading NYC to do a bit of Christmas sight seeing. 
We also will be stopping in at the American Girl store.  Rachel and Sarah have always wanted to go!  It's going to be fun!
It is supposed to be cold in the city tomorrow so we will be bundled up!
How are you going to spend your day?


Jacqueline said...

Hello, Mrs. Rabe! Thank you for your kind words and the visit to my blog. It is wonderful to meet such dear 'like-minded' ladies and make new friends. The banner with the piano is just gorgeous! We are music people, so this really appeals to me!!! Blessings!

Becky K. said...

I'm going to Chambersburg to drop off some candle orders and have brunch with a friend...then back to Lititz for another delivery and then perhaps a little shopping with Chelsea and Georgia.

Have fun!!

Vee said...

Way cool. Hope that you take lots of pictures. (I'm taking a niece for some day surgery and so I'll have a couple of hours of reading time.)

Cheryl said...

How exciting for your girls! (And probably for you too!) :-D

We were homebodies today...a little cleaning, a little laundry, a little baking, a LOT of Chex mix.

Can't wait to hear about your adventures in the big city!

Cheri' said...

Wow! How long has your blog been this way? I've been too busy lately!! I haven't been reading blogs -- and yours is one I always love to read! You've made it so inviting! It's BEAUTIFUL!! I love it! And I love that you get to go to NYC for the day. Living here in the Midwest, makes a trip like that seem so amazing! Can't wait to hear more about it.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...