I've mentioned a few times this year that I am working on doing some reorganizing around our cottage. It has been slow going as we knew we were in need of bookcases and storage space, and yet did not have the funds to make these purchases. We kept looking at thrift stores, newspaper ads, etc. So we waited. Well, today the Lord provided what we needed!
We have had a local Christian Library for about 10 years and recently they have moved it from it's own location to the campus of a local bible college. I had an email recently stating that they were selling everything, bookcases included. We were unable to go and I forgot about it. Today I received another email stating that today was the last day, and that they still had bookcases! Tim and I went over there and we ended up with the bookcases above which are three separate bookcases that interlock, the storage cabinets below, and a cherry file cabinet! Very reasonably priced...Tim is wishing we had purchased another set of bookcases but by the time we left the building everything was sold!
They are all in our basement and that is a work in progress! We are going to paint the red this winter into a lighter more neutral color for this space. The white dresser holds fabric and one of these cupboards is going to be holding baskets or bins with patterns in them - all organized and easily accessible.
I would like to do faux board and batten on the walls like Tracy did here. Isn't her bedroom gorgeous? So is her living room! I think I would keep the red on top in our family room! It would be so nice don't you think?
I digging out all the hidden books from boxes and under beds, to fill up those shelves...they make me so happy! I am working to be a good steward of what the Lord has given us, and to make full use of our home and not just have a basement space that is for junk....
Did I mention that our wood stove is in this area? It's a very cozy place to read - can't you just see it? A library with a roaring fire! Delightful!
It's not there yet but I'm working on it!
I am SO happy for you! What a wonderful place this is going to be!
Wow! You guys must really have been praying about this. They're amazing! You'll have so much space for your books. What a beautiful libray and, yes, I can see how cozy it will be. And I do like the board and batten look faux or no faux.
Don't you just love when the Lord provides us with gifts like that? So unexpected and so perfect?
What a find! You're all going to have a ball getting these reading spaces all fixed up. Sometimes it just takes one thing to get inspired and take off!
God is so good to provide us not only with what we NEED, but also, at times, what we WANT. Your new bookcases are beautiful. How wonderful it will be to have your books on display! There's just nothing like a good book. (Take it from someone who has more books than we could reasonably read! I love my Kindle, it's a great space saving device.) Enjoy!
Wow, what a fabulous (and wonderfully practical) purchase! When I began to read your post I was thinking Deanna! You crazy woman! (Meant in the nicest way of course). What are you thinking? Beginning an organizing post before Christmas? But of course you must. One doesn't ignore oodles of fabulous book space even if it is 2 weeks before Christmas, does one?!
Blessings, Debbie
Oh what a HUGE blessing! And the plans you have for the room sound *lovely*. I, too, LOVE the board and batten that Tracy used in her home and I'm sure it will look wonderful in yours too. :o)
Great find! That sounds wonderfully cozy!
beautiful, rich wood!
i look forward to lotsa books
on the shelves. share pictures
at that time, okay?
I think the red over the board and batten would be PERFECT! Can't wait to see what you do!
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