Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, December 2, 2011


Tonight I am going to tea with my Mom, Rachel and Sarah.  This tea is organized by the Women's Ministry at my Mom's church.  I used to serve on this committee and in fact organized the first 3 or 4 teas.  It started out with about 30 ladies coming. Then word went around of how fun it was and we started to have 100 ladies.  My favorite year was the year we did our version of "Oprah's Favorite Things" and gave stuff away!  Wow!  Women get excited about this kind of thing!

The last several years they have moved the location from their church building to a larger one so they can accommodate more ladies and girls of are able to come at a younger age.

This year we are to bring our own teacups...Rachel and Sarah have theirs ready to go, but I haven't chosen one yet...

  I don't know which one to choose...what do you think?


Vee said...

Tough choice, but I was immediately drawn to the blue because of its uniqueness. This sounds like such fun for the gals at your mom's church. Hope that you all have a fantastic time!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Hehehe, I would also have a difficult time choosing just one.

I would say that square-ish cup would be a conversation starter!

Sue said...

Your tea cup collection is so pretty, I would have a hard time choosing too. For me the aqua caught my eye today, I guess because it is an unusual shade, and looks so dainty.
This ladies' tea sounds like a fun event, there is something special about getting together with other ladies over tea.
I read your last post and enjoyed it so much, and will be praying for The baby girl you mentioned as well as the other children. Our third son had lots of health issues when he was born, and I spent many days and nights in a hospital away from family. I certainly empathize with those families.

Enjoy your tea time.

Anonymous said...

Oh Deanna! I just LOVE your new header! So, so pretty, in fact, your whole blog looks pretty. :o)

Kelly said...

Of course you don't know which one to choose; you have so many lovely teacups. Any one you choose will be worthy. Have fun!

Unknown said...

I love the embellished aqua blue with white etching tea cup, absolutely beautiful. Have a wonderful time!

Cheryl said...

Reading late by now, you have not only chosen your teacup, you have already been to the tea. Sounds like a delightful evening was in store.

Like Vee and Sue, the aqua one attracted me, too, because it is unique. A friend of mine has a large collection of teacups, but when we have tea, I always choose her brown transferware cup and saucer, because it stands out among all of the pinky, rosy, flowery ones. (Of course, brown transferware always calls my name anyway. ;-)

So which one did you choose?

Ginny said...

Your tea cups are beautiful! I'd have a hard time choosing, although I'm partial to the ones in the third picture.

Boho Farm and Home said...

Love the turquoise one!

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