Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Night Out With My Girls...

 We went to a tea last night with the ladies from my Mom's church.  This is the tea cup Rachel chose to take...

 This is the tea cup Sarah chose to take.

 This is the one I chose to take!  It is a variation of Royal Doulton's Old Country Roses and has ornaments in place of the flowers!  It sweet isn't it? 
Several of you commented on the aqua tea cup with the raised pattern.  If you want to know more about it you can read the post here.  I do love that cup and it is a very fine cup.

 Here is my Momma - Rachel took this photo of her across the table and between the centerpiece on the table.  Is it cute?

 The girls and I...

 Kim Goss sang and her husband Matt played his guitar and sang with her.  Matt is the worship leader at a BIG church here in our county.

It was fun to see so many ladies that we used to go to church with.  Now my focus will be on the tea for our church ladies on Monday.  

I have to get out glass plates, pack up tea cups, and tea pots, creamers and sugar bowls....get napkins, gift bags, etc....if you don't hear from me for a few days, you'll know why!


Beth said...

How beautiful your teacups are! I have a Royal Doulton coffee pot. (I thought I was buying a teapot...but I have found out it is a coffee pot instead!)I wish you lived closer because I would give it to you to go with your tea cup!
Have a lovely day...Blessings! Beth

Vee said...

Your tea cup is sweet with the ornaments tucked in and if you hadn't mentioned that I'd have completely missed it. Yes, that is a cute photo of your mother. Glad that you ladies had a good night out and were blessed with good music and good fellowship and the love of the Lord. I'll catch you when you next surface. Take it easy now...

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