Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Fun Continues

 From far away my tree is still so beautiful...

 Up close the poor thing is so dry and the needles are falling fast!

The fact that the tree is able to hold the ornaments and other decorations is amazing.
 I really should take it down, and I will....soon.

 Right now though we have been having fun - we went to see Tin Tin on Monday night, and Tuesday my mom came and hung out with us, after we finished school.  Then we watched the old BBC miniseries Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy with our friend Denny.  We actually started it Christmas night but it is 6 hours so we did half then and half tonight.  It was good, in a slow moving, espionage kind of way.
Tomorrow when Tim gets off from work we are headed up to Cabela's with my folks.  

Yep, that tree is going to have to wait.


Cheryl said...

Ah, yes...sometimes there are more important matters to attend to than taking down a (dry and needle-dropping) tree. :-D
Enjoy your trip...the tree will still be there when you get back.

Melissa G said...

I always have a hard time taking down the tree too. It's kind of sad to me and I will miss the glow of the lights.

Have fun at Cabelas!

Vee said...

No lights I hope! And this is exactly why I have gone over to the fake tree. I must have it up until Epiphany and there's no way to keep the live ones going that way. Still, inspired by all of the live trees I've seen in Blogdom, I think that next year, Lord willing, I shall have a smaller live tree for decorating. Perhaps a real one in a pot and upon the table or something. The aroma will be worth it.

Have fun at Cabela's. Merry On!

Anonymous said...

Why not keep the tree up! I have one that stays up in my dining room all year - I change the decorations for the seasons - great fun!

Deanna - did I send you the link to my new project launching in 2012 - sooo excited - I'll be posting about it in early January. We'll even have online class availablity! I'll be finishing my time in the charter school in June and get back to my roots - home school and Christian education!


Becky K. said...

Have fun....Cabela's is a fun store, in a wildlife, gun stuff kind of a way. LOL

Sue said...

As well as it should wait, Deanna! It looks like you and your dear family are enjoying this most blessed season.
Ours has been special too.
Wishing you and your family a very blessed, and Happy New Year.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...