Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, February 3, 2012

Heart Garlands

 Okay, first of all, this is a bad photo - it is hard to take photos in our hall bathroom due to the red color and the lighting.  But I really wanted to show you the cute garland hanging in front of the mirror!  It is so cute and cheery.  I usually don't do much decorating for Valentine's Day but I was inspired by Pinterest the other day and the girls had a great time with it!

 They made a few huge garlands and this shelf over the basement stairs is a great place to hang one!

 More of a close up view - aren't they cute?  

 A smallish one over the kitchen sink...

 In the front hangs in the window behind the curtain.

 Up close!

 The whole front window...

An all red one in front of Rachel and Sarah's bedroom door.  

We used craft weight paper, not construction paper and we used double sided tape. 

Are you doing any decorating for Valentine's?  These were inspired from something I saw on Pinterest as well.

 Sprinkles in a tea light holder - I used my heart shaped ones in pink, red, and white.

Aren't they sweet?


Rebecca said...

The garlands are really clever! Glue?

Becky K. said...

I love the shape of the hearts. The lengths of the strips must have been just right.

Vee said...

The garlands are really cute! No, I haven't done much...yet...

Cheryl said...

Your heart garlands are darling! Valentine's Day usually sneaks up on me. I did get out a few heart things yesterday, although I realize that they will be on display for less than two weeks. Unless I leave them up a couple of weeks past Valentine's Day...and then I can just go straight to spring decor. Now that's a thought!

Weekend blessings to you and your family...

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Cute craft for the kids.

Darryl and Ruth :)

Sue said...

Lovely decorations, I haven't decorated this year,we have been so busy with the lambing. Enjoy your weekend,

Tracy said...

Those garlands are fantastic!

deborah said...

The garlands are so cute! I love Valentine's Day, but I don't usually do much decorating.

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Love the heart garland! There's so much inspiration on Pinterest it's hard to choose what to do!

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