Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Spring Is On It's Way

I know because I have seen hundreds of snow geese on their way back north.  Usually we go to a wildlife management area about an hour away, where in March the Tundra Swans, Snow Geese and Canada Geese rest on their long journey home.  I have never seen them in the fields around here, but yesterday we saw quite a few.
I also know because I have daffy-down dillys coming up in my garden.

And I saw forsythia starting to bloom when we were out for tea the other day.
And it is sunny and mild but cold at night.  

Yesterday Lindsay and the kids worked at clearing out the veggie garden of leaves and some plant materials etc...preparing for this year's garden.

I am a happy girl.



Becky K. said...

I love Spring! I always look forward to that fresh green!

Vee said...

All these reminders of spring have me wondering about sap collection. I, too, noticed that my daffodils are well up through the ground...four and five inches high with buds. Strange...

Anonymous said...

Oh yes it is! :o)

Anonymous said...

Alicia and I are going to try and do a garden this year. Rob said ok!! Now maybe Jill can help since I can barely bend over!! Love having young women around!!

Trish said...

Spring is such a beautiful season!
Seeing all the lovely bulbs and blossoms appearing and the garden coming back to 'life' is so uplifting.
What a wonderful sight those snow geese must be to see!
No wonder you sound so happy :-)

Cheryl said...

Isn't it funny that even after a mild winter, the heart is still longing for spring? There is just something about the green and the buds and the new life and the freshness of the air...

Anonymous said...

I just discovered our daffodils popping out of the ground yesterday while outside with the children. It made me smile.

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