Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My New Normal

Sorry for my lack of posting.  Monday we were on a buying trip for our store and yesterday, I was in the store for a few hours.  We got some really nice things, new handbags, and some beautiful sterling silver necklaces and sets.

Some days my life feels "normal" I am home, doing school with the kids, cooking, baking, planning the garden for Spring.  Other days, I am in the 'big city' and buying merchandise for our store, in downtown Lancaster.  
 We sell these Brighton style watches

This is my new normal.

It has become a comfortable thing to hop in the car and hit the turnpike for a day in the 'big city.'  We drive through the tunnel, hit "our" parking lot, walk over a block to our favorite food place with - and this is the most important thing - the cleanest bathrooms in that part of the city!  After a stop there we are off - handbags first, as they are bulky and hard to carry.  We get those first, stop back by the car in the protected parking lot, and leave the bags in the car.  Then we are off to look at jewelry, totes, and scarves. 

 Great magnetic clasps!

Buying for the store is fun, but it is work.  We have to know our customer and what they are looking for when they come into our store.  We need to think ahead to the next season and keep our eye out for the right colors.  We need to remember the classic pieces that always sell, as well as find those fun, trendy items, and to know when the trend is over.  We are always learning.

 At home we are always learning too.  Bible, history, science, math, language arts.  Today we did a fun Valentine art project.  I am going to try my blogging friend Cheryl's Sally Lunn bread - you can find the recipe hereVee posted about it yesterday and it made me want to try this recipe!  The kids are learning more skill at horseback riding - the weather has been Spring like this week.  

At home I am cleaning and refreshing things, and we do that at the store as well.  It has become a part of our family life just as much as home education has become our life.  It is a branching out, so to speak, a new area of learning and possibilities.

Most days I am at home and able to keep to my responsibilities here, and either Lindsay or Emily are in the store.  I do all the paperwork for the store from home, and will do some of the online store work from home as well.

Speaking of the online store...I need to go and get some information to send to our web guy...Tomorrow we'll talk about seeds!


Rebecca said...

Oh, my are definitely "on the go"! And it sounds like you're loving it.

It's a good thing you're still young!

When you are ready to expand your business, there is an empty building next to us for sale - the old public library. A right smart appearing building she is! If I could think of merchandise that would generate enough income to pay the mortgage payments, we'd buy it and venture out!

Vee said...

Well I do love that watch and a magnetic clasp is a great idea. Good to see you having fun with it.

I'm pretty sure that you'll enjoy the Sally Lunn bread. Would you believe that I have nearly found my recipe today? Yes, and we've just roared through nearly and entire loaf of bread. This simply must stop. It's very good. I'll be talking about it and sharing the recipe soon.

Unknown said...

That watch is beautiful! It sounds like you are very busy! Glad you are enjoying yourself.

Take Care.

Terra said...

You found a pretty watch and bracelets for your store. Well done.

deborah said...

I love the watch! Very pretty!

Sue said...

You have some pretty things for your shop, and I can feel the excitement, and fun of this new adventure, I truly wish you the most success.
You seem to be so organized and that is a plus when your schedule is so busy,I too want to try the sally lunn bread, as it looked so delicious at Vees today!

Cheryl said...

Deanna, as much as we have in common, I now know that there are two ways in which we are not alike.

1)I cannot even imagine myself comfortable driving into the "big city"...I get weak in the knees just thinking about it.

2)You have far more energy than I do. Or maybe you're a better time manager. (Very likely, both!)

You all are learning so very much! Continued blessings on you path...

(Hope you enjoy the bread. I must make some this soon as I am over this cold.)

Becky K. said...

Just told Chelsea yesterday that your family needs to come over one of these evenings for a catch up visit. Can't wait to hear more about what you are learning. To glean from your experience.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...