Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Under The Weather

My sweetheart is a bit under the weather.  He has quite the head cold.  He works so hard and usually just keeps going.  He is home this weekend and I intend to have him REST!  A bit of spoiling is needed.

We are also under the weather in a meteorological way.  We have about 2-3 inches of snow!  It started falling last night covering the trees and ground beautifully.  It's a winter wonderland.

 I am headed into the store with Lindsay this morning.  Her cold is hanging on and I am going to stay until we see if she is fully up to being there.  If she is, I'll head home, if not, I'll stay and she'll head home.  Emily will be here soon, to feed everyone and make dinner, if needed.  

How are you all feeling?


Becky K. said...

I'm fighting a cold. Sore throat, stuffy head and a bit of a sinus headache. Guess I'll not stray too far from home today.

Hope Tim is feeling better before he has to go back to work.

deborah said...

The snow is so pretty when it's fresh and covering everything in fluffy mounds!

We are feeling good right now and I hope we stay that way for a while! Colds are no fun!

Phyllis said...

Hope little Timmy is feeling better. We are fine but busy redding up the house! He he

Cheryl said...

Sorry to hear that your family has been hit with the germies. :-(
Hope the sickies are able to rest and recover...and that those who are well stay that way!
May you all feel the Lord's nearness...

Rebecca said...

Glad you're tending to your husband. I'll bet he'll be rarin' to go by Monday with such a good nurse.

I had severe stomach flu Sunday & Monday. Left me weak for a few days, but I'm up and going now. Can't remember the last time I've ever been "that kind of" sick!

I enjoyed reading your Randomness Post. We match on a few of them. Not the animal part though :)

Have a blessed Sunday, Mrs. Rabe.

Trish said...

Praying for your poor hubby!
What a lovely snowy photo - makes me quite jealous as I love the stuff, lol!

Anonymous said...

Hi Deanna! You guys sick there, too? My daughter was bad for about a week last week, and then I had whatever she had this past week - even missed a couple afternoons of work - just couldn't push though. So - I came home to make soup! HOpe your hubby is recouperating and this winter freeze (we had snow too - though not as much as you) kills the viruses out there so we can get on with things!

Love your new look! How's homeschooling? We're having our first of three workshops for Constellation Academy on March 3 - the Lord is sending us homeschoolers in need of support - many new families wanting to go this route. I pray we can meet their needs!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...