Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, April 29, 2012

As Is The Habit Of Some

 Hebrews 10:25  says, "not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near."

I find this little phrase "as is the habit of some" interesting. Why were some in the habit of neglecting to meet together with other believers?  I think I may know....

 At different times in my life I have found it difficult to want to meet with after the husband of a couple that were close to us made a s*xual pass at my husband - and our pastor wanted us to just get over it and forgive so their ministry in the church could continue.  Or when our children were not being welcomed into a fellowship of believers because of cliques in the youth groups.  Or when we felt it important to keep our children with us in the church service and the pastor couldn't understand why we would WANT to do that....

I wondered why can't we just have church here at home - just our family?  Why is it important to "not neglect to meet together", especially when that meant potentially being hurt?

I think that when we get back to what the church is for - the building up of the believer - strengthening our faith, praying for one another,  helping each other - so that we can go out into the world again and be a light.  To show Jesus to a dying world.

Our little church has something special going on...God has given us sweet fellowship - but not perfect people at all.  We can often get on each others' nerves, we sometimes say things that offend, or hurt another person.  But we ask forgiveness and find it, we pray for one another, and check in with each other during the week...right now we are praying sweet friends through the loss of their baby and the soon home going of her father....we are praying another friend through severe pain and an upcoming surgery.  We have uplifted a dear girl through anorexia and are seeing her victorious!  We pray the grandma's through their Bible studies with the ladies who are fresh out of prison and wanting a new life.  We are praying for and loving errant young adults who are struggling to yield to the Lord...

And unless you think we are inward focused only, we aren't - we are outreaching to neighbors, extended family, customers, coworkers....everyone we come in contact with during the week...being light in the darkness.

This is why we hate to miss a Sunday....we never thought we would find this kind of fellowship - likemindedness but not cookie cutters...

I am not speaking to those who have health issues or who are care givers etc, and simply cannot be at church every week.  I am speaking to those who have given up on church or of ever finding a church where their family will ALL feel welcome.

I want to encourage you, if you have been one who has "neglected the meeting together", to keep looking for a likeminded fellowship - pray, ask God to direct you to a church.  We searched for many years.  God provided our church just when we needed it most!  It is worth the effort to find a church family.  Our kids are thriving, and they hate to miss church too.

Ephesians 5: 19-21 "addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with all your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ."

Have a wonderful Sunday!


Tracy said...


Becky K. said...

Excellent! It is sweet fellowship, indeed. I was sharing with our server at lunch, who had asked when our big group was coming back. That led to discussion of fellowship meals and how much time we spend together. I could tell she was envious...and it brought back memories of her church growing up. Perhaps it will inspire her to get back into fellowship.

Sue said...

A very well written and thoughtful post, thank you for the encouragement.

Cheryl said...

Deanna, this post struck a chord, as we have experienced both scenarios. We are blessed to have found a fellowship of local believers who love the Lord Jesus, and who believe and teach and live God's Word. It is so worth seeking the Lord for His leading into such a place! (I am afraid to say that such a group is not always easy to find.)

Rebecca said...

This is SO true! I'm concerned about how many "Christians" aren't a part of a consistent group meeting for worship, the Word, prayer and fellowship.

I think people give up too soon on the church. And we look for excuses. Then we MAKE our excuses which others latch on to and claim for their own.

I'm happy to hear your positive description of your church. Yes, we are imperfect human beings, but we choose love for Jesus and one another and choose to obey and honor His authority and instructions....

Debbie said...

I am just this moment seeing this post. I don't know if you'll see this comment, but I really love this. You express my thoughts and feelings beautifully.

Providentially, the lesson that I taught on Sunday was that old "doubting" Thomas. Since the word doubt is actually no place in that text, we focused on something more. One of the things we focused on was the fact that Thomas might have been the type who withdrew from fellowship when things got ugly or tough. So like so many of us...

Late October Weekend

  I had a quiet weekend at home, and I enjoyed it.  I cut some of my limelight hydrangea, now with their autumn blush on them and took them ...