Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, April 6, 2012

A Bit Of My Days

I was delighted to find this note waiting for me when I arrived in the store last Friday.  Lindsay left it for me - it was so sweet and it made me cry.  
I was doing a lot of crying that day....missing part of my family before they even left town...

These are the flowers that Tim bought me...I am glad I took a photo since they do not look this nice now!

Here are a few photos of the store...Spring scarves...

The color of this necklace set is much brighter beautiful.

These handbags are so popular!  The spring colors are delightful and the price is right!  I can't keep them in stock...

So this is what my day to day has looked like.  Much different than my normal routine, but it is a blessing to meet people and listen and share and encourage as the opportunity arises.

Kayleigh and I finished painting the bathroom last night.  I am hoping to get the picket fence and shelf back up tonight.

I am going to do a project with the kids to make a centerpiece for our table and for the tables at church for Easter breakfast....I'll show you those on Monday.

Tim, the girls, his brother, sister in law and niece will all be heading south tomorrow.  They will travel through Gambia, crossing the river on a ferry.  Please pray for their safety while traveling.  Thanks so much!


Cheryl said...

Such sweet gifts! You are loved!

(Can't wait for a look at the bathroom reveal!)

May your family have a blessed Resurrectioin celebration!

Melissa G said...

That was so nice of her to leave you a note!
Sorry you're missing your family. Those goodbyes are so hard! I hate that heavy feeling in the stomach as the time to say good bye gets closer and closer... ugh. horrible!
Hang in there, they'll be home before you know it! =)

Anonymous said...

Blessings, Deanna! Finally having a chance to catch up with my blogger friends and it seems you have much happening in your life of late. May the Lord continue to bless Tim and your family on their trip with safety and the anointing to do His work. And - may you know his comforts holding down the fort while they're away. I didn't know you had a shop. Hope you're making time for rest and renewal. Joy to you this Resurrection Weekend!

Anonymous said...

FB with Emily today! It was fun! Such a sweetheart!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

So sweet!

Have a wonderful Easter!

Lovella ♥ said...

Have a wonderful Easter! I will be thinking of your family too as they travel.


Tracy said...

Aren't notes and flowers sweet reminders of those whom we love and miss?

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...