Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, April 30, 2012

Field Trip

The kids, Tim, myself and our friend Denny are going on a tour today to visit an Amish school and farm.  Friends from church do tours professionally and they have set up a tour for us with Amish friends.  

We are taking store bought cookies (a treat for them as apparently all they get our homemade!) and a couple of gallons of drink of some sort.

I think it is going to be fun and interesting.  We have to leave early, so my kids are not thrilled about that.  We have had late nights this past weekend, and last night Nate's truck dropped the drive shaft on his way to work.  With Tim on his way to work as well, Kayleigh and I had to go help him.  At 11:30 pm!  Thankfully he was just 2 minutes down the road and by time we got there a man had stopped to help him and even was able to tow him back to our house!  I told Nate God had gone before him and sent that man to be there just at the right time!

Then Lindsay rode with me to take Nate to my parents house so he could take my Dad's suburban to work.  Got back after 1:00 am.  I am tired this morning but if I need to I'll take a nap this afternoon.

I am not sure about photos of today's trip.  I might be able to take photos if no people are in them....

What are you up to today?


Cheryl said...

Your field trip sounds like lots of fun! (And so does a nap!) :D

Becky K. said...

oh my....what a day you had yesterday.....Glad Nate is ok.

Have fun today!!

Tracy said...

I love feildtrips!!!

Vee said...

Oh now I'm curious about how it went... What a great hardship to only have homemade cookies! =D

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...