Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Finally! A Few Photos From Senegal

 Last night they had a bonfire and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows.  Marshmallows have to be brought from the States, I know my nieces sent some along with Tim and the girls.  Emily is in the black t-shirt and she is talking with our niece Nicole.  Those two are good friends - two years apart - and have been having all kinds of fun together.

 My friend Becca sent me these photos.  She grew up in Senegal too, in fact her brother Eric was Tim's best friend growing up!  Becca and I were roommates in Bible College.  Emily has found a friend.  No surprise.  She is like a magnet for little kids, especially little girls.

In this photo Tim is speaking with Eric and Lindsay is standing with him.  Eric has been learning the Badyaranke language and someone on their team has been translating the Bible into Badyaranke and writing Bible lessons.  Becca, Eric's sister, teaches literacy to those who want to learn to read and write in their own language.  Can you imagine if we had nothing written in our own language?  Or if we couldn't read?  The team is getting close to being able to start teaching those lessons.  What a wonderful day it will be, after so many years of waiting, for the Badyaranke to hear God' Word taught!

They have been enjoying their time at the Mission's field conference and Saturday they head interior in the country to visit the village where Tim grew up!  I haven't yet, seen any photos that my girls have taken other than one of Emily eating ice cream!  I am thankful Becca sent these to me.

I thought you may like to see them too!


Cheryl said...

It was nice to be the proverbial "fly on the wall" on this trip to Senegal! (Glad that someone is taking pictures!)

And, yes, what a wonderful gift to have the Scripture in one's own language. There is so much that we take for granted.

Vee said...

Yes. It is good to see them talking and having fun together. Do they do a lot of socializing in the evening with daylight saved for work? It always amazes me that linguists are able to translate a language for any people. It's a wonderful gift of God. It will make a world of difference.

no spring chicken said...

Anything is worth everything when we experience this. How wonderful for your girls. I'm praying for the richest reward to all involved. Only the Lord knows what that is. You must feel so wonderful Deanna...

Blessings, Debbie

Rebecca said...

While in high school, our youngest daughter accompanied us to Burkina Faso, West Africa. As a result of that trip, she spent the year between high school graduation and college back in B.F.! (I spent a month of that year with her.) Let me tell you, once Africa gets "in your blood", it doesn't leave you!

I'm glad you got these pictures to give you a peek at what's happening!

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