Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Today's The Day

They are home safely!  They surprised me by stopping by the store today!  I got great hugs and it was so wonderful to be with my dearest friends once again!

I am happy!

My husband and girls will be home today!  In fact they should have just landed on U.S. soil.  From the airport it will take them about 3 hours to get home - after customs and getting their baggage!

When I spoke with them last I could tell they were tired and ready to come home, which is good because I am ready for them to be home!

I'm ready to get back to family dinners and crazy schedules.  Becky took pity on me the other night and dragged me to her weekly family dinner with the Grandma's and Pastor Mike.  I am so thankful that she did - it was a wonderful meal of roast beef, potatoes, carrots, broccoli, gravy, rolls, brownies with ice cream.  The first real food I had had in two weeks.  I was so thankful it wasn't pizza or drive through.  

I need to pick up milk and eggs on my way home from the store today.  I also need to leave a note for Lindsay that the horses need grain.

Tim said last night that he can't wait to hold me - I can't wait either! I hope I don't cry.  I have cried enough these past two weeks!  

I think dinner out at a real restaurant might be in the works....after they have had naps, and the younger kids get back from their week of fun at Grandma's and Grandpa's.  I can't tell you what a blessing it has been to me for my parents to step in so graciously and spoil, I mean take care of the kids these days that I have had to be in the store.  And the friends like Becky and Jen who included my kids in fun outings, and Ruth for being flexible and feeding me roast beef.

I am sighing big time...needing to let go of my "list of things I was going to accomplish with all my free time which didn't happen" and to settle into contentment that what did get accomplished was enough.

Now I need to put my make up on and do something with this wild hair of mine...then I need to go into our shop and smile and sell pretty things.  

I hope the day goes by quickly!  Thank you everyone for your prayers - knowing that you care and have been praying for me has done wonderful things for my heart. I appreciate you all so much.

Have a great weekend!  I know I will!


Becky K. said...

You'll probably cry....but they will be happy tears. And they will be GOOD.

I had soooooo much fun with the kiddos yesterday. They were just what I needed with all of the craziness that broke loose with unexpected paperwork.

What you got done is pretty impressive, given everything else you still had to do.

Love you, friend. I'm so glad you were agreeable to come to dinner.

Vee said...

Oh what joy this day brings! Enjoy it to the full.

Cheryl said...

"Today's the day"...such sweet words! Blessings to all of you on this beautiful weekend!

Sue said...

Homecomings are always the best!! Enjoy the hugs, and stories. I am so glad the store is doing well!
I enjoyed catching up on your previous posts and enjoyed them so much.The new color for the bathroom I really like, I am now motivated to paint our powder room a lighter color. Just need to find the time. lol. Congratulations to the newly engaged couple.
Enjoy your evening with your family.

Brenda said...

Yeaaaaa they are home! I know you heart must have jumped when you saw them. Such joy! Abence makes the heart grow fonder!
Hey did you get the website for the store going? I can't wait to look.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...