Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, April 8, 2012


 We have been missing half of our family, but we had a sweet day, in spite of that!  This is nearly our whole church at the park this morning.  We meet by the pond for some scripture reading, prayer and singing.  Then we head over to church for breakfast!

 This afternoon found Kyle up a tree

 and Sarah too!
The part of the family that is keeping the home fires burning...
Don't mind Kyle...he's 6. 

 Grandma with the kids...Grandpa was in the house chatting with Denny.

 The newly engaged couple!  Yes indeed!  Nate asked, Kayleigh said yes, and the engagement has begun...

 Kamryn had so much fun with her wee egg hunt in my English garden.

 She knew just what to do and had so much fun filling her bunny basket!

 Don't you just love it?

The kids and I made a special centerpiece for our Easter dinner.  I call it and Empty Tomb Garden...

We made a 6 more for church for our breakfast this morning.  Then families got to take them home.  We love ours.  Very meaningful visual reminder of the empty tomb!

I hope you all had a wonderful Resurrection Day!

He is Risen!



Karen said...

Congrats to Nate and Kayleigh on their engagement!

Looks like you had a lovely Easter, even though I'm sure you were really missing your travelers. Kamryn is getting so big, too! How time flies!

Cheryl said...

After a long but lovely day of celebration, my thoughts are not coherent. But...

Looks like you are doing a wonderful job keeping things up at home.
Kyle is having a great time. :-)
Congratulations to the engaged couple!
And that little chubby arm with a bunny basket melts my heart. So sweet. I adore a chubby baby arm.

Tracy said...

I'm so excited for Nate and Kayleigh!

I can only imagine how far from normal you must feel with Tim and the girls gone. Praying that they have a wonderful time and safe travels.

no spring chicken said...

You made an empty tomb garden too! Ours was a hit this year, so meaningful. And speaking of gardens... yours looks ready. My poor bulbs are having to squeeze their way through last years debris and weeds! I've got some gardening to do! ;)

Blessings, Debbie

PJ @ Planned in Pencil said...

Happy Easter, and congratulations to the happy couple!

Jeanette Levellie said...

Oh, I feel like I am there with you--thanks so much for these photos. Love those chubby baby arms and the Empty Tomb--yes!!!--garden.

Brenda said...

What a blessed Easter for you! Congrats on the up coming wedding. I love the stuff in your store. Is there a website yet? Maybe I missed it somewhere.
Flowers from you honey are just beautiful.....


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