Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

One Of The Blessings Of Owning A Horse

is the ability to bless others by teaching them to ride or giving pony rides etc....

 Just the bit of blessing from Sunday....


Becky K. said...

Caleb! Need I say more????? Cute.ness!

Looks like you had a great day. We enjoyed time with the Moms, Mike and Jenny. We went for a long walk after picking up Mindy and dropping Jonathan off.

Sorry we couldn't be in two places at one time...

Sue said...

The smiles and expressions by the children says exactly how great a blessing this is. You looked as though you were enjoying giving this blessing too. Thanks for sharing.A very sweet post.

Cheryl said...

Lots of smiling faces there! :D

Melissa G said...

Great pictures! You're bringing joy to so many people!

Crystal’s Health Corner said...

what a blessing

(oh I wish we lived closer! I love horses & riding!)

Home Keeping

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