Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Happy Birthday, Rachel

Today she became an official teenager.  13 years old.  

We have seen her maturing over the last few years, this past year especially.  She is becoming a young woman.  Still tenderhearted and gentle, she is becoming bolder in good ways.

While she is quiet, she is not shy.  There were many years that she would not talk in public, but it didn't keep her from participating in things!

She is a delight to our whole family.  I love having a new kind of relationship with her - she no longer needs me to tell her stuff.  She needs me now to help guide her through these coming years.  

She has also reached a major family milestone - she's taller than me!  Of course I am only 5' 1" but she is going to be tall - we think taller than her older sisters.  

Happiest of birthdays, dear, dear Rachel.


Cheryl said...

It is such a delight, as a mother, to see how each child is an individual creation, each with a unique personality and strengths and gifts. I love to read your words about Rachel and her unique place in your lives and in your heart. She is a beautiful girl. May God grant you wisdom as you continue to guide her into young adulthood.

Happy Birthday, Rachel!

Cheryl said...

P.S. Your new blog background is lovely!

deborah said...

Happy Birthday to your daughter!

In a little over 6 months, my daughter will be an official teenager too. Time really does fly!

Vee said...

Well, Mama, you'd better start eating your Wheaties when the 13 year old can pat the top of your head. ☺ She's a beautiful gal and I hope that she has the happiest of birthdays and a wonderful first teenage year. God bless her!

Jill said...

Happy Birthday Rachel! Miss you!

Rebecca said...

Happy birthday to your Rachel. She sounds like a sweet young teen...

Oh, those clouds in your previous post! Awesome in their threatening beauty.

Our weather turned quite cool. Hope yours did, too - at least until you can get your A.C. fixed.

Melissa G said...

Happy Birthday to Rachel!

Tracy said...

Happy Birthday, Rachel!

Debbie said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet daughter. It seemed like everyone said that the teens were horror years. I didn't think so at all and I have a hunch you feel the same way.

Crystal’s Health Corner said...

Happy Birthday, Rachel, but most of all praise God for your spiritual birthday!

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