Okay, I promise not to torture you all with too many more posts about our photo shoot. But since I tried to post these yesterday and blogger wasn't cooperating, I decided to give it one more try.
We decided since our store is in the city we would go for an urban feel for these photos...
Jen was shooting Sarah, her spunky Natalie was sitting close by!
Lindsay watching - she was enjoying watching Jen - it's the photographer in her. Plus she much prefers to be behind the scenes instead of in front of the camera. I love what we came up with for her to wear. I remembered this great blouse we found at Goodwill. It is pretty sheer so she put a teal tank under it, and threw on her boots. She then grabbed a teal handbag from the store and the look along with sunglasses, a bracelet and necklace set completed the look.
I was rather mortified while on the shoot to see that Rachel had a bit of grass stain on her jeans...love her tunic top from Target though. She grabbed this great over the shoulder bag. They are just the right size, not to small or big, and so soft to the touch.
Emily and Sarah preparing to walk up toward Jen...the series of shots were great of them walking and talking...
They both are comfortable in front of the camera...can you see all the Fab Fashion products? Handbags, sunglasses, earrings, scarves, watches, and rings. Good job, girls!
Rachel and Natalie, waiting so patiently. She was so cute and had fun being with the kids...
Here Jen was getting Lindsay and Rachel set up. Rachel was supposed to be looking serious....
So what does a boy to when the girls in the family are getting photos taken? He hops all around, climbs on things and plays with his fighter plane. Then he wants to get his photo taken so we obliged him a few times. Here is one...
And what did I do, you may ask? Well, I took some behind the scenes photos, held handbags, sweaters, and stuff. I was the encourager, and I bought lunch for everyone at Cafe One Eight, which is right around the corner from our store. They have really yummy food. Oh, also we bumped into our pastor, Mike, at the Prince Street Cafe. It's his Monday morning hang out place.
So that was our Monday morning. Today I am in the store, I may take Sarah along!
I love photo shoots. I already knew what you are doing behind the scenes...someone has to take the behind the scenes photos. This photo shoot looked like a lot of fun. Have fun in the store!!
I loved these behind the scenes shots. The girls look great with all those Fab accessories!
I love that teal purse of Lindsay's and the green scarf on Emma. And Sarah is so cute in those sunglasses! I love Rachel's smile. Her hair is getting so long!
Elijah loves Kyle's airplane!
Maybe it was his Monday Morning hang out place...lol. Now the cat is out of the bag.
Fun stuff.
How nice that you could share your friend's talent while getting great shots for your web site.
Very fun!
It's always fun to get a sneak peek behind the scenes. Yes, I am noticing the lovely wares.
Believe me, we are not being tortured! It has been great fun to see these shots of your beautiful daughters and your fabulous merchandise! (I have been under the weather the past few days, so I have not commented, but I have been enjoying your posts nonetheless.)
Please let us know when the web site goes live. It will be fun to see what you have in your store (love that teal bag!)...to see the photos of your models. :D
It is so much fun to see the shoot and a bit of how you did it. I wish you well in your new business!! I hope you had a great time at the convention with your Rachel :)
Fabulous fashion!
you have some natural models there =) Nice pictures of some cool product you have at the store. keep up the good work!
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