Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, May 14, 2012

Yesterday Was A Lot Of Fun (tons of photos!)

 My Mother's Day autographed balloon!

 The gift I gave my mom. Made by Lisa Pennington, a blogging friend, who owns Shop 24 on Etsy.  The 17 is how many grandkids, grandkid in laws and great grandkids she has!  It is the perfect gift for the mom/grandma/greatgrandma who has everything!

 The surprise of it all is that as you get closer to the pillow you realize that all their names are embroidered on the pillow, too!

 Ryan, Alicia, Cayden and Camden...

 Nate, Kayleigh, and Kamryn...

 Rodney, Jill, and Logan...Evan....

 Kaitlin, Lindsay, Emily, Rachel...

 Sarah and Kyle....

 Mom loved it.

 An up close view....

 Beautiful Flowers...

 My son and his daughter...

 The girls and I attempting a group photo...

 Everyone trying to be the tallest...

 by being on our tippy toes.....

 All my precious kids....they are turning out pretty nice...

 Miss Kamryn and her Mama....we love you both!

 There was a lot of activity yesterday too, scooters...


 Weird angled photos...

 This is what we ended up with!  Makes me laugh still....

 Fun with the kids! :)

 Kamryn loves this old beat up car...

 Attempts at cartwheels...

 Then the headstand lessons began...

 Kay showing them how it's done...

 Yeah, Emma you got it!

 Go Rachel!

 Lindsay!  My mom actually got her photo at the final pose with her toes pointed and everything!  

 The Tim, who learned from the best - his Mom - showed them how it's done!

 Special card from my son...

 Several from Sarah...

 She's an artist and just can't stop at one!

 From Rachel...

Love from Kyle...see the apple?  It started out as a heart but he decided to make it an apple instead!  Don't you just love it?  So like a boy!

I am so loved and blessed by my sweet family....I have a gift to come, still too.  So excited!

I hope you all had a lovely day as well!


Becky K. said...

Looks like fun was had....lots of special thoughtful gifts. I was surprised when Mikey gave me a beautiful necklace...then I found out it was from Fab Fashion. Mystery solved. I love it!!

Melissa G said...

Something tells me they all love you! =) Those cards are so sweet!
That pillow is really neat! I'm going to have to go check out her shop!
And way to go on all those head stands. Maybe Kay can teach me to do that one day! =)

Cheryl said...

What a joyous day! I love the cards...and the one from Tim is priceless!

(The photo of you and your mom is cracking me two must be lots of fun!)

Vee said...

Sweetness all over the place...well, except for that unfortunate photo...LOL! You nut!!

Anonymous said...

What a great day you had!! Looks like fun!!

Emily Fay said...

Happy Mothers Day! It looks like it was a beautiful day for you! I loved the embroidered pillow! What a neat idea! Have a lovely week ahead ~

Sarah Belle said...

Belated Happy Mother's Day! Love the pillow you got for your Mom, so thoughtful! Looks like you had a sweet celebration! tammy

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...