Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Don't Mess With Momma

There is a new family hobby around here.  It started with Tim and my dad.  The got started in early winter which was very mild around here.

Tim wanted the girls to be comfortable handling a g*n and to be able to do so with accuracy.  Rachel and Lindsay have gone with them to the Sportsman Club the most but Emily has been as well.  Today Tim wanted me to come along - I have never handled this kind of g*n and it had been several years since I had done any target practice.

I didn't do too badly for my first time in years.  The girls are really good too - they have a very good eye.

A friend came along today and he did very well too.  It is challenging and fun.  

Do you ever do this kind of activity?


Becky K. said...

We used to go to the shooting range when I was a teenager...I even passed the Hunter's Safety Course.

It has been many, many years!

Jonathan had so much fun. Thanks for including him. Warren says when we can afford a g*n he will go and take Jonathan. He would enjoy it too.

Vee said...

No, but I am not opposed to the idea of knowing how to handle a ***. In fact, I think it pretty wise if one learns how to do it with a great deal of respect.

Debbie said...

I have never shot a gun in my whole life. It's not that I'm opposed to them at all. I just never have. I have been thinking that we should get one, and I should try to learn to use it responsibly. That's a sad but true commentary on our world, but I think I should.

Melissa G said...

Yup, Geoff and I have gone to the range at Gander Mountain here.

Tracy said...

We do target practice once in a while. It's fun trying to better yourself.

Tracy said...

When I was much younger, but I haven't shot in years. I'm about to, though!

A Heart of Praise said...

I enjoy target practice I've only really done it with a BB g*n though. :) It can be a lot of fun!

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