Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Happy Birthday To....

my Dad!

He is 73 years old today!

We are off early to eat at the Kinzer Fire Company breakfast (he's been their since 4:30 helping out), then we are getting him a load of top soil!  Big time! :)

I'm thankful for my Dad.  He is an example to us all to keep seeking the Lord no matter what age you are and to allow the Lord to change you.  

Happy Birthday Dad!  We love you!


Rebecca said...

Sounds like wonderful celebrations for a good man! Enjoy.

Becky K. said...

Happy Birthday, Blinker Bob!

Vee said...

Happy Birthday to Grandpa Creekside Cottage! Is he really 73? He certainly is making 73 look good. We count it a privilege to have met your dad last autumn. John really enjoyed talking with him.

Cheryl said...

Echoing is hard to believe that your dad is 73! Happy Birthday to him! *<:)

Debbie said...

He certainly looks young for 73! Happy Birthday to him. I hope he has a marvelous day.

Sue said...

A very happy Birthday wish for your Dad.
I know it was a special time of celebrating.

Lovella ♥ said...

Your Dad looks great. What a great example he has been to you. May he have continued health and strength as he continues to serve.

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