Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, October 26, 2013

31 Days - Campfire

It's that beautiful time of year where it is a bit chilly during the day, and cold at night!  Ah, we've had great weather lately.  It's the time of year we love to sit out with a campfire.  Tim has been working this weekend, so he was looking for something fun to do as well as read to the kids and have devotions.  So he suggested a fire, everyone was up for that, grabbed coats, boots, hats, and coffee, and went outside.

 Once they saw I was taking their picture they started to pose for me.  This first one is just a normal shot....

 Note Emma in the background with her elegant fireside pose...

 Ha ha - Seems as if Rachel looks the same in all of these....

 Okay extreme pose here!  Crazy girls!

 These two are a blur as they were moving around so much at first and helping Tim chop kindling.  Once he started to read, however, they really did settle down.

It was a beauty of a campfire.  The night was clear and we heard a fox roaming around and crying out.  Tim and Rachel checked on our chickens making sure they were closed up tightly for the night.  That fox isn't going to get our pretty girls, not when they are this close to laying for us!

I am thankful for nights like this.


Candy S said...

Beautiful pictures. I love a bonfire this time of year. Have a Blessed Sunday.

podso said...

How fun to be able to do this as a family... snuggle up by the fire and have dad read .... building memories and instilling values!

Vee said...

What selection did you read? I think that I would love to sit out by a fire, especially if someone were strumming a guitar or reading aloud. Sounds marvelous and i am certain that I would look like the fair Emma while I did.

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Sounds like a beautiful evening!

Sue said...

Campfire memories are the best, we always have one when the kids and grandkids are home for a visit, even if it is summer. ~smile~ thanks for sharing.

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