Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

31 Days - Loving Good Things

What is a 'good thing?'

Someone famous used to use this phrase when she was giving tips on something on a TV show.  But I think it encompasses so much more than just tips.

A good thing is something that edifies - builds up - our families, our homes, our lives.

Reading the Word = a good thing.  Reading trashy 'romance' novels = not a good thing.  You could make it into legalistic rules, but that would be a bad thing, don't ya' know.

There is one list in the Bible that give us a guideline to what we should be focused on.

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, 
whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is
pure,whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if
there is any excellence, if there is 
anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

During any season of our lives this should be the guide for what we think about, participate in, watch, listen to.  There is of course, variation allowed - God is the creator and has created with such immense variety, that we are allowed to like a certain artist over another and still focus on what is 'lovely.'  We do not all have to love Picasso.  I love that about God!  No clones!

Some of the Good Things I love are:




Home Keeping








So what Good Things do you love?


Elizabeth said...

I love this post ! My list of Good things would be: God,Church,Family,Friends,Grandchildren,Mountains,Ocean,Boating,Homemaking!

Lorrie said...

Summer, flowers, snow falling, cozy fires, hiking with my husband, sunny days, blue eyes, little girls....

Great post. Phil 4 is a favorite chapter of mine.

Cheryl said...

Good, pewter, house-y things, candles...chocolate, grilled veggies, coffee (did I already say that?) time, late night giggles, date nights, weeknight suppers...Bible study, hymns, Jesus...

Vee said...

I like your list; although, I think I might love chocolate too much. I do enjoy a beautifully written book in the same way that C. S. Lewis could enjoy Rabelais and even teach it.

Now you are on the home stretch with this wonderful series you have been doing.

Theresa said...

Loving your post = a good thing:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Cheri' said...

Good things I love would be my husband, children, grandchildren, church, my brother and sister, friends, children I teach, chocolate, coffee, flowers, snuggles, date nights, and your blog!

Sue said...

Great list, sounds like mine, I might add sitting on the porch in the late evening drinking hot chocolate with dh, Tuesday date nights, Cheryl's list sounds like mine too! ~smile~
I have so enjoyed your Loving the season you are in!
Thanks for sharing.

Cheri' said...

My list of good things I love would be my husband, children, grandchildren, brother, sister, kids I teach, friends and church family, as well as chocolate, snuggles, sitting on my deck, the smell of a wood fire, flowers and your blog!!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...