Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, October 7, 2013

31 Days - When Your Just Starting Out

Do you remember when you were just getting started on your adult life?

Even though it's been a while I remember.  I remember wanting to get married, and have children, but their was no suitor in sight!

My mom had married young, and so did my grandmother, so I kind of thought I would too.  It was so disappointing to have year after year go by.  I began to wonder "what's wrong with me" that no young man even wanted to take me out on a date.  I went to the church I had grown up in and the only eligible man was my brother.

Looking back, I can see how the Lord kept me from making mistakes, but it was Oh, so hard at the time!  I wanted to be valued and loved and have babies!

During these years I learned to be an adult.  I worked, I had my own car, I went to Bible Study, I baby sat for my friends' children and for my brother's children.  I spent time with the Lord.  It was good.

But all I could see at the time was that I wanted to be married.  I didn't see the value of living my life for the Lord where I was at.  I walked with the Lord, closely during that time, but really wasn't filled with a sense of deep contentment.

Later He lead me to Bible College, I met my husband there and we married.  I learned to walk with Him in deeper ways during this time.
We always think that the thing that we are longing for is what will make us perfectly happy and content.  Those of us who have walked this path recognize that this is not what brings contentment, or the ability to LOVE the season we're in.  That only comes when we are yielded to God and accept what He gives us for today, for this hour, for this moment. 

It is an on going process of submitting ourselves to Him and His plan for our lives.

Philippians 1:6 being confident of this very thing, that He
 who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day 

of Jesus Christ.

That is a wonderful promise!


Lorrie said...

Such great thoughts. All of life is preparation for the next step along our journey. Finding contentment in God alone is what brings satisfaction.

Barbara F. said...

Beautiful post. Seems like I needed to hear this today. xo

Anonymous said...

My mom married while still in High School too at age 18! I think that would be weird married and in High School!Lol

"Honey, can you sign my report card!" Hee hee hee

Lipstick Junkie said...

This is a sweet testimony for those waiting. Thank you~tammy

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Stephanie used to tell people about "Mother's curse" (it was not really). I had prayed she would not become seriously involved with anyone until she met Mr. Right.

She cannot blame me that it took her senior year of college for him to come along... ;)

I am amazed how both of my kids are married to a spouse who although not perfect, is "just right" for them. All that praying we moms do through the years!

Cheryl said...

There is such wisdom in this! It is hard to submit our wills to His, but it's the only way to live. Hindsight is better than foresight, isn't it? When we look back and see where His hand has brought us, we wonder why we weren't content at each resting place.

Sue said...

Oh! how I can relate to this post!! God's timing is perfect!!! Submitting to His will is where we find peace and contentment. Thank you for sharing.

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