Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, October 18, 2013

31 Days - Loving Your Home - Part Two

I didn't plan on a 'part two' for this post but our activities here yesterday just begged for one.

When you own your home, it requires you to take care of it, or it starts to get frumpy and unhappy.  Then you get unhappy.  Not good.

The last several years have been extremely busy ones, and we barely kept up with everything.

This month, inspired I am sure by the beautiful weather, we are churning out the projects.  

Yesterday's projects are ones of not only necessity but of beautifying our space; we painted our exterior house doors.  

Oh yes, they are red!  The afternoon sun was shining brightly on the front door as Tim was replacing the knobs.

 The white door is our kitchen door that most folks enter into our house through.  The other awful looking door is the basement door.  
They are both red now too.

 This girl here gave them each a thorough scrubbing before paint was applied to them.

Tim took the opportunity to do some caulking while the door was out.

The youngest two in our family did a great job priming and beginning to paint some T1-11 boards that Tim will be using tomorrow to rebuild the shed.  Talk about a mess!  That one is for sure!  I will get some photos tomorrow of the process.  Let me just say that Sarah (age 11) and Kyle (age 8) did a wonderful job and were very helpful.

Before she painted Sarah looked like this - 

She had a costume long dress on over her tshirt and jeans and was wandering around our woods and pasture!  She made herself her wreath of autumn leaves!  What a beauty she is!  I am so thankful for her!

I can't wait to show you some other projects that we have been working on around here!


Vee said...

Looking good and Princess Autumn there is lovely lovely! All of your family are hard workers and good helpers. Way to go! Love the really does look fantastic.

Debbie said...

Just read the post below and said what I wanted to say there so I won't repeat it. I love your red doors. I would love full out red doors here, but they don't go with our exterior paint and roof, etc. So... I just add my red in flowers and stuff wherever I can.

Cheryl said...

Love your red doors!! They are so cheerful. Isn't it amazing how a small-ish change can pack such a punch? It helps you to see things with fresh eyes too.

Oh, and a project that is worked on by the entire family is even better!

Sarah is adorable with her autumn wreath! :)

Sue said...

Love the red doors! Sarah is indeed beautiful! This reminds me of unfinished projects around the farmhouse too! I have a front door that is in need of a new paint job! ~smile~

no spring chicken said...

Yes, she is a beauty and I can just imagine the image she made wandering the woods in her Autumn attire!

So, one of the things we've been working on here... we are painting the house. :) And although the door was already red it will be getting a new shade of that same color because there just is nothing like welcoming guests through a red door!

Blessings, Debbie

Unknown said...

I have had the red paint for my front door since shortly after I arrived LAST October! I am definitely inspired by your post to find the time for this project. Right now, my door is a dingy brown and I think the red will pop and echo my red roof! Feeling......energetic! :)

Home Keeping

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