Friday, October 4, 2013
31 Days - I Loved My Forties!
I really did.
I felt like in my forties, I just let go of those voices in your head that say "you should", "you're not", "you'll never" "why can't you be like" etc.
I gave myself to serving my God and my family, and anyone else He brought our way.
I accepted that in some areas of my life I had made different choices than many people, and that makes people uncomfortable. I accepted that not everyone was going to like me. I accepted that God wanted to use me to encourage others.
I felt confident, really, in our decisions about how we were raising our future adults, how we decided to do church, what we would be involved with.
There is a peace that comes with this kind of mindset. We could look at a potential activity and see if it fit with what we were doing. If not, we just opted out, without guilt. My kids were not scarred by it!
Well, not scarred too badly, anyway....
I have lived intentionally in my forties and I intend to continue to live that way.
I realized that I cannot change people. Only God can do that. I can encourage, though, and I can teach, I can lead by example, I can love, I can train the outward behavior. We can read all the books and implement all the great ideas, but it really comes down to walking with God MYSELF and share what He's teaching me with my kids and those whom the Lord brings my way.
In this next decade of life - which so many of you said you were enjoying - I intend to continue on with the life that He's given me. It may not be perfect but it's the life he has given to me to live.
What about you? Are you living the life He's given you to live? Are you enjoying your season?
*All photos taken at my birthday dinner
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Home Keeping
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In our fifties, our parents are another decade older, which can mean a lot of changes. In our fifties, any health concerns that were pooh-poohed in the forties, come to the fore. In our fifties, the body continues to morph into some other creature. Ha! I'm not painting a very great picture am I?
John shared with me what Paul says about aging — how he was not going to pamper his body, but rather use it up and wear it out. I like that. Guess that I'm starting to feel a little worn out and now realize that I don't accomplish all that I used to. I need a team of teenagers! ☺
So all of this forces me to look at what really makes me who I am. Is it the amount of work I can accomplish? The number of words I write? People I communicate with? Money I make? Meals I prepare? I don't think so.
Another thought-provoking post, Deanna.
Though-provoking indeed. I love that you're living life with intention. If we don't, we just meander about and don't accomplish anything of value. Knowing where we're going gives us focus.
I also read with great interest Vee's contribution to the conversation. I think she raises some excellent points. Yes, we do slow down and we face different challenges. That is how "life" works...and yet we can still live with purpose and be used by God. One of the best books I've ever read was The Five Silent Years, written about Corrie ten Boom by the woman who was her caretaker after she suffered a debilitating stroke. What struck me was the impact that Corrie had on those who came to see she lay in bed and couldn't say a word. The Holy Spirit worked through her because she was a vessel willing to be used.
It should be our prayer to be used by Him to the end of our days here.
P.S. I enjoyed seeing the pictures of your family birthday celebration! You are loved!
I love the intentional.That was my word for this year.It is a peace-filled end,when you live intentionally.It looks like you have done very well in your Seasons.I love all the pictures of family and church friends,etc.You are a real inspiration to me. I am 53, and even though my nest is empty, I am so enjoying this quieter season where I can spoil on my husband who has sacrificed so much for this family.I am content in my Season, however somedays I long for fellowship with other ladies of The Lord. We live an hour from our church family,so it is a challenge to meet up with other Keepers at Home. Blessings my friend, Dawn E. Brown
A wonderful post. Intentional living at any season. Some times, it's harder than at others. Vee's comments are also thought-provoking. My 50s started well enough, but have been fraught with various things we just didn't see coming and are still coping with. It's hard. I feel more cynical, less trusting, and yet, I still know that God loves us, that He has plans for us, and I am trying to live each day in that wonderful knowledge.
Family brings much joy, as always. But now, my children are adults (27, 30, 31) and we have two darling granddaughters. That's the best part of the 50s for me so far.
I am up late catching up and am so glad I was able to come by , This series is so thought provoking for me as I am in my autumn years, and am finding a new me. I love the way you have embraced this time of your life, your thoughts are so encouraging. The statement of your life not being perfect , but that you intend on living the life God has given you is so awesome. I will take all of these thoughts to heart. Thank you for sharing.
I also enjoyed the comments from some of my other friends too!
In May 2012 I took a class from the book Tangible Kingdom! I learned I can serve God with the talent He has given Me! So I intentionally live in this! No more feeling guilty for not serving like this person or that! Serving God now with the freedom to be who I am and serve God, Robert, my family and friends and the world around me with talents from God! So yes, I have started to enjoy my life especially in this last year...!
Now physically? That is a whole other paragraph for another day! :-/
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