Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, October 31, 2013

31 Days - I Made It!

There were days, as I confessed to Vee, that I struggled to get something posted during these 31 days.  Some days the thoughts came to me so quickly, some posts were thought about for several days, and some days I felt dry and that I had nothing to say, yet I had committed to doing this and I wanted to keep that commitment!  So I prayed that God would give me something and He always did, even on those days where the words and thoughts poured forth easily, He was in that as well.

Thank you for praying for my niece Alicia, I thank you for asking about her.  Her lump was on her side/back and it felt soft she said.  The doctor believes it is a lipoma or referred breast tissue.  If it is a lipoma the doctor will want to remove it.  She goes for an ultrasound today.

Kayleigh goes in early this morning for more lab work.  They are checking hormone levels.  The midwife believes that she has miscarried the baby.  We are so sad.  They are thinking of names and we are grateful that we got to know about the baby however briefly.  Psalm 139:16 tells us that  
"Your eyes saw my unformed substance;in your book were

written, every one of them,the days that were formed for

me,when as yet there was none of them."  

I love the promise of this.

 Tonight we have our Fall Fest!  Big, exciting stuff.  I'll take as many photos as I can and see if I can get them posted as soon as possible!

Thank you for your response to this series.  It has blessed me so much.  I really do love this season of life and I am recognizing that God is not finished with me yet.



Melissa G said...

I'm so sorry about the baby. I'll keep you all in prayer.

We've lost three so i understand what you mean about being grateful for the time with them even though it was a brief time.

Theresa said...

I know I missed a few days of your 31, but what I did read... I enjoyed:) HUGS coming your way dear friend! I will pray for Alecia and Kayleigh!

Cheryl said...

Yes, you did make it! And thank you for taking the time and effort to share your heart and making this series of "seasons" a challenge and a delight.

(Now let's prop our feet up for a few days! Oh...we can't? It's not the season for it?)

Continuing to pray for is tough.

Vee said...

So much going on...and still you were faithful to see it through! Praying for both of these very special young women in your life...that God will prove Himself mighty in the midst of this. We know of a young woman who recently came to the Lord as the direct result of going through loss. Love you! Have fun today...

Lorrie said...

I so much admire your commitment to this series - may you be blessed because of it.
So much happening in your life just now. May God's peace and presence comfort all of you.

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...