Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, November 1, 2013

Fall Fest

We try to have a Fall Fest at our house every year, but last year Hurricane Sandy had come through a few days before, and the year before that we were in Florida for my Mother in Law's 90th birthday.  She is a Reformation Day baby!

This year rain was in the forecast so we prayed we wouldn't have to cancel it.  It did rain a bit but not until later in the evening, so we were very happy.

There was a nice campfire, several fun hay rides in the farmer's fields, lots of good snacks and an Apple recipe contest and a Pumpkin recipe contest!

Here are the judges.

Tim, Pastor Mike, and Becky from Hospitality Lane.

They had 3 pumpkin recipes to decide between and 4 apple recipes!  They were suffering the whole time, poor things.

Here are the the apple treats that they were deciding upon.  Number 4 won that contest!  Our friend Brooke who is 12 made that yummy treat.

In the background you can see two of the pumpkin treats and the other was a pumpkin soup that you can't see because it was on the counter.  

This delightful Pumpkin cake was the winner!  My friend Amy made this and it is so good!  It's even better when she makes it into cupcakes and puts cream cheese frosting….delightful!

The winners won candles by Good Neighbor Candle Co.  Fresh Baked Apple Pie scent and Pumpkin Spice scent!  These were graciously donated by Becky who is the maker of these wonderful candles.  

We had two new families join us which was so fun!  One is a family that goes to the church my parents go to, and the wife is the sister of one of our church friends. It was so nice to have them and their young sons with us!   The other family live very close by to us and the daughters work with my girls.  They are a lovely family!  I hope we get to spend more time with them.

Be looking for a fun giveaway announcement on Monday!

Happy November!


Becky K. said...

Fun times. I was happy to suffer for the sake of the contest. :-)

It was so nice to see everyone....including the visitors.

Thanks for hosting.

Vee said...

You guys know how to make it, fellowship. Yes, I saw that Becky was suffering terribly. Ha!

Elizabeth said...

How wonderful!

Theresa said...

What a fun time:) I love that idea! We have always gone to a Friend's house but not this year, we were out of town! Enjoy the beginning of a new month:) HUGS!

Terra said...

What a clever idea to have a Fall Fest, and a baking contest too. Congrats to the winners, and the poor judges were the real winners! All that yummy food to taste.

bj said...

Oh, boy..I'd like to "suffer" like that.....hahhhaaaa....what fun.
Thanks so much for stopping by with such sweet words.
xo bj

Karen said...

What fun! And such wonderful prizes for the winners!

Now will you publish a cookbook with the recipes? ;-D

You all have such great ideas for your fellowship times. I love seeing your pics and spying people I recognize.

Cheryl said...

It looks like such fun!! Oh, to be a judge at that pumpkin recipe there anything pumpkin that is not good? I love pumpkin!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

What a fun event to have! Those poor poor judges :)

sherry said...

i could suffer a bit for a good cause. yum.

love how you consistently open your home and hearts to others...

Rebecca said...

Sounds like a delightful evening! I like the food-judging idea, too. And I REALLY like pumpkin soup! I forgot all about it in October....Guess it's not too late.

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