Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, November 29, 2013

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

At least I think so.

My favorite holiday season is upon us.  We had a delightful day yesterday, feasting and reveling in God's goodness to us.  It's unmerited favor.  We know it and are so thankful for His grace.

 Love these guys, so much.  We're proud of them.

 The lovebirds.  Their wedding is now 12 weeks away.

My beautiful kids

Dad and Mom.

So thankful for our family, and our friend Denny, who spent the day with us.  He's family too.

Emma and I are headed out early to get groceries (all we have in the house is thanksgiving leftovers, and that won't last long around here!), and then we will begin decorating.  

We are savoring our time as a family as this next year will bring so much change.  Nate and Kay will soon be in their own place, likely planning a wedding, Joseph and Lindsay are getting married in March, Emily will be headed to Bible School in the Autumn.  

Lots of change but it's all good.

I thought of you all last night and today as we were cooking.  Thinking of you preparing your food for the meals you were sharing with others today.  I trust is was a blessing to you as it was to me, to be making a feast for our family to celebrate and be thankful.  I'd love to hear about it!

Have a lovely weekend!


Cheryl said...

Love seeing these happy, smiling faces! Love your thankful heart!

We, too, have so much to be grateful for. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!

Vee said...

Oh what wonderful family photos!
Have I already said this? I have a vague memory of seeing this post earlier, but the blog wasn't all decked out...looking very Christmasy.

I can tell you this...we enjoyed an amazing turkey thanks to your excellent directions!

Cheri' said...

I thought of you yesterday too! Ever since I found your blog a few years ago, I use your recipe for the Perfect Thanksgiving Turkey! It's so fun to think of you when I'm putting my turkey in the oven, and then telling others who told me about this wonderful method that results in such a moist and delicious turkey!

And I'm so happy for you and your newly engaged daughter. Our daughter's wedding was 3 weeks ago and it was so much fun planning it with her and then being with her throughout the process and especially being with her on her wedding day! It was an incredible day for our whole family - and I'm sure your daughter's wedding will be an amazing and special time for you and yours!

Theresa said...

Fun time with the family! Nothing sweeter! Enjoy your weekend dear friend, BIG HUGS!

Rebecca said...

Oh, my! Things WILL be changing around your house in 2014. Makes these holidays even more special, doesn't it?

(I like the plaid back ground on your pretty!)

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...