Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

November Note Card Party

I love this Note Card Party!  It's so fun and Vee is the "hostess with the mostest!"  If you have a blog, I hope you'll join us in the fun.  I have met nice friends through this party!

This month is all about Thanksgiving and God's goodness and provision, so I wanted to use images that would allow me to put words with them to express my heart of gratitude!

 These first three I tried to think of text that I might like on a card to both be encouraging and express thankfulness.

This last one is pure praise to the One who is worthy of all praise!

Thanks for joining me today!


Shane Pollard said...

It's wonderful that you have whole month of thanksgiving.
Beautiful images for your special note cards with real meaning.


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Wonderful praise cards!

Cheryl said...

Your joy and gratitude are coming right through the note cards that you have designed for this month! Rejoicing with you...

Vee said...

I can hear you singing from here! Beautiful expressions of gratitude, Deanna.

(All is well with Mr. Linky...he may have had a bit of indigestion as he's been a bit of a lemon this month—even I couldn't get things done. The support team was very helpful!)

bj said...

Love these beautiful cards you have made for us....
xoxo bj

Anonymous said...

Hi Deanna! Blessings to you! Love your images and their messages. I am enjoying finding more metaphors in my photos and playing with them in the new programs I've learned to use. Still feel a newbie. Was thinking of you last month when we saw Noah at Sight & Sound. The "Nothing new under the sun" card in my set was taken on their grounds - and enhanced with PicMonkey. Too much fun. Hope all is well with you!

Carol said...

Beautiful choices for your note cards! Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours!


Sally @DrinkingFromMySaucer said...

Great photos, and I love the sentiments too! For some reason, I never think to do that on mine...

Lorrie said...

Beautiful photos with great messages.

Donna said...

Lovely set, theme, and messages!

Pamela Gordon said...

Lovely notecards Deanna. Have a blessed Thanksgiving holiday.

Linda H said...

Lovely choices for this month! We certainly do have much to be grateful for...

Judy said...

Wonderful photos and message. Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed Thanksgiving.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Very nice note cards with reasons to be thankful.

podso said...

These are great notecards with wonderful messages on them!

Melissa G said...

Oh man, i missed it! I'll have to join in next month! :)

Great pictures. I like how you added the text to the "cards".

Sue said...

Beautiful note cards with beautiful messages , Deanna, Thanks for sharing, so sorry, I am late visiting! Blessings,

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