Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, November 18, 2013

I'm Overwhelmed

My friends, tonight I am so overwhelmed by God's grace and goodness.  

The other night Tim and I were talking about our very small budget for Lindsay's wedding and I said, "We just need to pray for God to give us good ideas for a simple but lovely wedding."  

As you know I asked on the blog about a morning wedding and afternoon reception, thinking to keep expenses down by not having to serve a meal to 200 people.  I got a lot of great feedback and decided to do what I was the most comfortable doing which was a brunch reception right after the ceremony.  This was very doable to our budget and I had a plan for having a quiche making party at our house a few weeks before the wedding!

Then today, I got a call that changed everything.  My friends Amy and Bonnie had been scheming together and brought Becky in on it too.

They want to give us the reception as a gift.  Yes, you read that right. As their gift to Lindsay and Joseph they want to take care of the whole reception, planning the food (after getting a menu from Lindsay) setting it up, running it the day of the wedding, and paying for it.  

Tears came to my eyes as my precious friend Amy explained all this to me.  God is so amazing, and our dear brothers and sisters at our church are such a blessing.  We're a family through and through. 

I also have another friend Susan, who does beautiful things with flowers.  She offered to make all the bouquets, boutonnieres, and corsages for the wedding, and flowers for the sanctuary.  We will cover the cost of the flowers but she will arrange it all and have them ready to go, as a gift to us.  This is such a blessing, because I love to do flowers but as the mother of the bride I think it could be stressful to have to be doing that the day before the wedding.

I am still overwhelmed.  But I am thankful and learning to accept my Father's provision and goodness to me, his daughter.

Now, onto finding a location and a dress.  I am not stressed.  My God will provide everything we need.  I am so glad you are on this journey with me.  


Becky K. said...

You, my dear friend, are loved. As are Lindsay, Joseph and all of your family members. I'm very happy Amy and Bonnie initiated this!

Ginny said...

Tremendous blessings indeed! Another money saving hint for you - order a small, fancy cake from a bakery for the bride and groom to cut (with a top layer to freeze, of course!), and then order sheet cakes for the guests. We did this for my daughter's wedding, and it saved us a lot of money. The sheet cakes were cut in the church kitchen (reception was at the church), so MOST of the guests were none the wiser, or so I think!

Cheryl said...

I rejoice with you over the Lord's provision! This is such a touching story. It is such a sweet and generous gesture for your friends to give you this amazing gift!

It is going to be such a beautiful wedding! Blessings to all...

Theresa said...

God is good ALL the time! Wonderful friends are precious! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Heather said...

Isn't He faithful!!! Rejoicing with you, my sister. Love you-Heather

Melissa G said...

Oh WOW! This so neat to hear! I love hearing stories of how God provides for His children!

Elizabeth said...

A wonderful blessing!

sherry said...

what a wonderful Lord to put this plan in motion through precious people in your life! :)

Lorrie said...

Blessing upon blessing! The family of God coming together to celebrate and bless other members is, I think, what Jesus meant when he said that we will be known by our love.

I'm so happy for you, my friend.

As a twice-mother-of-the-bride I concur that you don't want to be doing anything that you can hand off to others on the day of the wedding. Just enjoy!

The Pennington Point said...

OK you got me with that one. I started my kids are wondering why I'm crying....all I can say is, "God is so sweet!"


Vee said...

Sweet blessings abound! How very wonderful!! You have some terrific friends. I actually thought the wedding might already have happened from your title! = D Will it be before Christmas?

podso said...

A wonderful story of God's provision through those friends who love you! What a blessing. You will now enjoy the rest of it so much more!

Jeanette Levellie said...

Wow, praise the Lord! It looks to me like you are reaping some of the goodness you've sown into others' lives. To God be the Glory!

Karen said...

You are part of a truly beautiful community of believers. What a sweet blessing these friends are!

I still love your quiche brunch idea-I would love a reception like that!

It's going to be a wonderful wedding and I'm so happy you can spend a little more time savoring the experience while your friends take care of these details.

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