Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, October 19, 2013

31 Days - Loving This Autumn

We are having lovely days and chilly nights - perfect for Autumn.

Our color is coming on very well now, though my Red Sunset Maples are not really showing much color yet.

The trees along the creek and the property line, and in the pasture are very pretty.  Several times over the last few days, the beauty has caused me to stop what I've been doing and just drink it all in.

I sent Lindsay out to try to capture it for me.  This is what she brought back.

I'm loving it all....


Becky K. said...

Lindsay did well.....and I love that last one.
See you soon!

Unknown said...

Pretty as a picture!

Cheryl said...

Lindsay's captures are beautiful!! I adore autumn!

Love that last picture of your dear grandgirlie! Her expression is priceless. :D

Elizabeth said...

Lovely pics ! I love this time of year! Thanks for sharing!

podso said...

Wow what gorgeous images! Your daughter is quite the photographer. And you have some great color there. And good for you on the beautiful red doors! Love that shade.

Sue said...


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