Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, February 15, 2015

A Good Day To Stay Home

Can you hear the wind blow through the trees?

The high today will be 14 degrees.  With the wind chill it is -23 degrees right now.  Some of the wind gusts will be 50 mph today.  

Church was canceled and we are having a quiet morning at home.  

I kept waking in the night due to the howling winds, and once because of my boy coughing.  He's had a bit of a cold, so I woke him and gave him cough medicine.  He was sleeping fine, but I wasn't!  The cough medicine helped us both sleep! 

I started a pot of soup yesterday.  I put one of our roosters in the pot with carrots, onions, garlic, sea salt, fresh cracker pepper, and parsley and let him cook away.  He made a lovely broth and combined with the meat it will be a lovely Chicken and Orzo soup for today.

I need to add the orzo and some corn.  I may make some cornbread to go with this.

We are watching a pair of eagles in York County on a local newspaper's 'eagle cam.'  Just click the link.  The female laid an egg yesterday, so she is on the nest now, full time.

Thinking ahead to our homeschool convention in May, planning some treats for Emma for her birthday, finishing up our school year.

I'm starting a book today for a review I am doing for Bethany House Publishers.  I'm sure I'll enjoy it.  It's by Jeanette Oke and Laurel Oke Logan "Where Trust Lies."  It will be my first review.  I'm excited to do it.

Tim is working his last Sunday for Donnelley.  We are thankful how God has provided for our family through his work for them.  We are also excited for the opportunity for a new job, with the same pay and better benefits, overall.  They are sorry to see him leave, as he is very gifted at what he does.

One last note - last night we got Five Guys Burgers and Fries (totally an off plan meal for me) for us and the kids and had 'dinner theater' here at home.  We love to do this and it was fun to share Valentine's Day as a family, though we surely missed our Emma.  

We are making memories.  

I hope you all had a wonderful day celebrating with your loved ones!


Anonymous said...

We are coming with Alicia and boys around June 2!!!

Sue said...

And wonderful memories they are dear friend! I will try and not complain about our 20 degrees here in the south, `smile~ Your chicken orzo soup sounds delicious, and perfect for cold, snowy days!
Thank you for your prayers, my Mother got great news, no cancer found! To God be the Glory!

podso said...

mmm the chicken soup looks good. We too had a lot of wind and frigid temps this morning but nothing like yours. We may have a wintry mix coming, the first this year. Stay warm!

Rebecca said...

We had that wind Saturday! Sounds like it just kept blowing all the way to the east coast! We had church, but my GOODNESS, it was cold!

Your soup sounds so delicious....
Hope the cough clears up w/o much ado...
Have a good week & I'll be thinking of Tim and his new job. Hope all goes smoothly.

Just about ready to leave for our small group tonight. We've had to cancel since the first of the year so all of us are ready to see each other and enjoy a meal together!

Lorrie said...

A forced day at home from time to time isn't such a bad thing. You've made the most of yours - cooking soup is perfect! I hope Tim's first days at his new job go well.

Vee said...

A lot of folks having steaming bowls of soup these days...yours will be delicious. We are having chili.

Hope Kyle is feeling better today. Coughs wear a person out. Have you ever heard of the "treatment" of putting Vicks on a cougher's feet? I have always wondered if it works. I bought some Vicks after our October bout of sickness and have not had any need for it since...PTL!

All the best to Tim in his new job. May it be a very good fit for him and your family. Still working third shift?

Stay warm and cozy. I am wrapped up in my fleecy blanket and I don't know if I'll be doing much today. The chill goes right through a person. I'm putting the fake fire on, too!

Cheryl said...

"Dinner theater" with your peeps is a lovely way to spend an evening! (We did something similar tonight while awaiting news from our travelers.)

Hope that Kyle is on the mend and that Tim's first week at the new job goes smoothly!

Warm hugs...

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...