Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Happy Saturday

I survived my shopping trip and in the last few stores I was so warm.  Between the hat and the fur lined boots, I was cooking.  

Came home to find that Tim was feeling better.  I am going to say the Apple Cider Vinegar helped him.  He says I can claim anything I want!  Lol!  He's sleeping in today, and it seems as if he slept much better last night than most nights this week.  Thanks so much for your prayers and for continuing to ask about him.

Today we are expecting snow, so we'll be working on the basement.  Now that Nate and Kay are in their own place, we have the whole basement available to us once again.  We are going to paint eventually, but for now, we will mop the floors and I think we are going to set it up as a library space.  We have a beautiful bookcase in the basement.  We are going to move that into that space and reorganize the books.

We'll probably move a table into that space, too.  We don't have much seating available for downstairs right now, but we'll work on that soon.  Tim will be replacing lights and I eventually want to change out the fixtures.

What are you up to today?


Vee said...

Yay for Tim's feeling better! His comment made me laugh...he doesn't care as long as he's on the mend. My daughter suggests lemon water. =D

It will be nice to have a library~reading room. Does it get good light? Have fun! What are my big plans? Cleaning the kitty's stall. LOL!

podso said...

Oh for a basement! Was just thinking about how limiting our southern homes are without basements. Very rare here. Have fun today exploring the possibilities downstairs!

Rebecca said...

That IS good news! (Tim)
And what fun to be able to have a "dedicated" library room. Hope for some photos one of these days. Bookshelves are my "comfort furniture"! :)

Cheryl said...

So happy to hear that Tim is feeling better again! Just in time to enjoy his first "free" weekend!

Our plans today included removing ashes from the woodstove, cleaning the house, and grocery shopping/errands...making up for all the things I didn't get done in this week's severe weather. Oh...and thawing the washer drain again so that I could do laundry. And repairing a cracked pipe at the water pump. (Did I mention sever weather?)

Elizabeth said...

Glad to hear that Tim is better! A library sounds nice!

Theresa said...

Isn't it nice to stay inside and get some projects completed when the weather isn't so nice outside? Yep, I do the same thing! Have a blessed day dear friend! Happy to hear Tim is feeling better! HUGS!

Tea and Friendship

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