Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Family Life

I was missing Emma last night.

Our niece Jen was here for the afternoon and dinner, my parents were here (Tuesday is their day to visit, but they don't always stay for dinner), Lindsay and Joseph were here.  She had the day off and spent the afternoon and evening and he came after work.  Nate came over too, after work. I was making Chicken Ole', after all, and he didn't want to miss out on that.  So we had 13 at the table for dinner.  

I know that Emma is fine that she missed the meal, it's not a favorite of hers, but I also know that she would have loved to have been here, hanging out with her siblings, a loved cousin, and her grandparents.

I was piano lesson day, the main reason Lindsay and Joseph were here.  Sarah is doing very well, and Joseph and she are good friends.  Lindsay bought Kyle a recorder for Christmas and she has been giving him lessons on piano lesson day.  This will help Kyle with his goal of learning to play the bagpipes one day!

They had a rousing game of Pit last night.  Our niece Jen is a missionary in Senegal, West Africa.  She heads back there on Sunday and in three weeks will be flying to Burkina Faso to work with a new partner.  She is excited.

I have to show you these next two photos.  Kamryn and Kyle, while niece and Uncle, have lived their lives together in the same house and are more like siblings.  They bicker with each other, play together (he's a very good uncle). and love each other.  Yesterday, she joined him in the chair so she could watch him play a game on my mom's phone.  She was saying encouraging things to him, so I looked over and saw them sitting like this.

You can see in the first photo that she has her arm around him and she is totally into what he's doing.

I am glad that we will still see her everyday.  I'd hate to lose this closeness they have.

I am in a wonderful position in my life.  I am seeing the reward of my life's labor, as a mother and teacher of my children.  I am seeing them continue to grow and I am seeing them thrive in their lives.  Those of you with older or adult children know what I mean.  You Mamas of little ones, I hope this is encouraging for you.  Your labor is not in vain, it is worth it.

I am thankful and grateful.


Vee said...

I do not know what Chicken Ole is. Must remedy that. I noticed the little hand around Kyle's precious. Isn't it interesting how the house can be full yet you miss the one who is not there to share in the fun?! Just like a mom.

podso said...

So nice she is encouraging her uncle in the game and not grabbing the phone to play it herself! Sweet!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

It's nice to hear another mother/grandmother say how fulfilling her life is, especially with family. Our girls are grown with families of their own and the greatest gift is when we can all be together.
When it comes to how close you remain - one reaps what they sow, don't you think?

Elizabeth said...

I know exactly what you mean and it is a wonderful thing !

Cheryl said...

Good family times!! How sweet, those photos of Kyle and Kamryn...a little peek at their relationship. Precious. ♥

Theresa said...

Isn't it wonderful to spend time with those we love? Those two little ones are precious:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Rebecca said...

What REALLY caught my attention in this post are your references to Africa. Hubby & I have been to Burkino Faso with our youngest daughter once. She returned to work there for a year between high school and college, and I spent several weeks with her then. Then Senegal - my sister and her husband were there just a couple of months ago, participating in a retreat for a newly formed team starting ministry there! Africa has a permanent place in my heart.

Julianne Primer said...

Oh my she is such a cutie, and yes, growing up so fast..losing the toddler look altogether. Kamryn and Kyle are soo sweet., love it!

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