Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, February 6, 2015

Let's Talk

The photos today are all of things that caught my eye here this morning. No, I didn't include the dishes in the sink.

 I talked about changes recently and one of them is Nate and Kay finding their own place to live!  We are excited and happy for them.  They are moving stuff in bit by bit and will move in next Friday.  

 Another change is that Tim is going to work for another company. He has been at his current employer for 20 years.  He is seeing this move not as a permanent landing place but as a move to get moving!  He's wanting his own business, and this job move will allow him time to work on that.

We are still working on ideas for my parents to build an addition here.  

 Rachel has outgrown her 3/4 size cello and we are going to be getting her a different one.  Full size obviously and one with good tone.  We hope to find her one that will last her for years.

Today is my big shopping day.  I try to go every other week.  I also try to do errands on this day as well, so that I don't have to make a lot of trips out during the week.

Tim is off from work this weekend and he has plans for helping a friend with tree removal.  I think Kyle and Rachel are going to help him.  Sarah will be at my Mom's house, so that leaves me to find a project to do.  I think I may stop by my favorite store, Fresh Vintage, and buy some chalk paint.  I'm wanting to try a new color.  I have a lot of wood pieces here that would benefit from some paint.  Now to decide what piece to paint and what color to use.  I like my house to be pretty cohesive colors wise.  We have a few basic colors in our house, yellow, red, green, blue.  So any color I bring in must complement these colors.

I'm looking forward to my weekend.  How about you?  Any plans?


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I love the look of painted wood but my husband has a Master's Degree in Wood Science. He loves wood. He saw someone on TV recently painting the hardwood doors in their home and I thought he was going to need me to call 911. Sheesh...

Vee said...

Oh that's a lot going on! It all sounds good. It is rare for you to find yourself alone with time on your hands. Sounds as if you have a good project planned. (Painting is dead last with me. =D ) No plans here...well, except for cleaning up after another storm rolling in.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I hope the temporary job for your hubby is the stepping stone he needs to start his own business Deanna. I'd say it's unusual for you to have an empty house but with free time, I'd be in my craft studio making cards - I leave any painting of walls and furniture to my hubby.
Enjoy your weekend.

Unknown said...

Busy lady!! This weekend I will be cleaning and running my daughter to her dad's and back. Also a quick little party at my nephew's tomorrow night. All good things... Happy Weekend

podso said...

Sounds like a fun project for tomorrow. I'm cooking most of tomorrow, but old favorites to I'll relax, put on some good music and enjoy it, Company for dinner on Sunday.

Heather said...

It sounds like you have a lot of changes going on. I hope that all goes well with the new job. :-)

I have an armoire that I want hubby to paint with a light aqua chalk paint. :-)

My weekend plans will probably include a trip to JoAnns and some knitting. Sunday, we are going over to a friend's house for lunch after church. :-)

Have a lovely weekend!

Cheryl said...

Congratulations to exciting!! Does this mean you'll have him home a bit more...especially weekends? That would be wonderful for all of you!

Enjoy your weekend projects. I have a stay-at-home Saturday (my favorite kind) and a "normal" Sunday (also good). Hope you'll share your project when it's completed!

Ginny said...

Change can definitely be good! I hope you'll share your painting project(s) as it's always fun to see what you do. As for my weekend, I always stay in on Saturdays, so I may try to work on cleaning up my very messy craft room (I've been working on it off and on for many weeks). We're expecting snow on Saturday, and might get hit by that big storm that's working its way across the country on Sunday and Monday. Guess that means I'll be shoveling the front walk, the porch, and a place for the dog to do her business. Just typical days!

Buttercup said...

You've got lots going on. Wishes for good things and new horizons. We've got a conference at synagogue that will be interesting and if it's not freezing hope to get out and do some walking tomorrow. I'm in the house much, too much. Take good care!

Cranberry Morning said...

I too was going to say that you've got a lot going on! The addition for your parents is a nice project, and so wonderful that you're going to be getting the full size cello. I LOVE the cello - I don't play, but love listening to it. Hope you have a good week!

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...