Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, October 29, 2015

We're On A Roll

When Nate and Kay got married, the officiant told me that I should do weddings professionally.  I appreciated that compliment!   

I've never understood the idea that a wedding takes a year or more to plan, and has to cost tons of money.  We don't roll like that around here.  In the two family weddings we've done so far, both brides found their dresses off the rack and only needed a few minor alterationsI know finding a dress can be the biggest issue, but there are a lot of resources out there, and sometimes you just have to think outside the box.

I am happy to report here that we have found Emma's dress!  It needs a few alterations, mainly for length, but that is very doable.

Our friend Amy is designing the invitations.  She has done all the invitations for the weddings in our family.  Once the design is finished we have gone to Staples to have them printed, and maybe using Costco this time.  They are both very affordable and were easy to work with.

My friend Susan has graciously offered to help with flowers again, so we will meet with her soon to talk about design and colors.

We need to find a location because our church isn't big enough.  I am thinking we won't have too much trouble as the wedding is not on a weekend.

Which brings me to another 'out of the box' way of thinking.  When did we come to Fridays, Saturdays, and now Sundays for weddings?  It must have originated when most people had weekends off from work.  Now people work all the time and their days off can be in the middle of the week, etc.  If all your guests are mainly local why not do a weekday evening?  In our case, it is during the holidays and the out of town guests will be able to make it.  The wedding is on a Tuesday evening.  Did you know that venues are less expensive if they are not used on weekends?  One place we are considering the difference is a thousand dollars!

That is a no brainer for us.

Because it is an evening wedding we'll be doing desserts for the reception, along with a wedding cake, coffee, tea and punch.  Simple, but what will make it nice is the way it is set up.
With each of our kids' weddings so far, we've been able to make the unique and individual to the couple.  That makes it fun for me, no two alike here!
                                    From Pinterest.  This is not Emma's cake!


sherry. said...

you're wise and i'm thankful others think along my own lines. a wedding doesn't have to be a $50k production!! when the hubs and i married we had a cake and punch reception - maybe old school to some - but the marriage was more important to us than putting on a circus complete with entertainment for the masses. due to the simplicity, there were a few folks who chose to go to the wedding of someone else because .. get this .. there was going to be good food from a high end restaurant. that's a reason to attend a wedding?! haha... i'll take simplicity. THANKFUL the plans are coming together in quick order - what a blessing!!!

Lorrie said...

Weddings don't have to be expensive. We looked for bargains for our children's weddings and did a lot of stuff ourselves. That was so much fun.
Your ideas sound great, and that's a lovely cake - is it the inspiration for Emma's?

Vee said...

Wow, you are really good! It's going to be a beautiful wedding. Of course, though a gorgeous wedding does not require lots of funds, it does require lots of imagination.

Unknown said...

Can wait to see the results of your planning. My family help make my wedding less expensive. By the way I'm back to bloggging.

podso said...

That wedding cake is pretty though. It sounds like you are on a good path to an economical and very special wedding.

Ginny said...

Interesting that you should question why weddings are always on weekends. My pastor asked that same question recently. I agree that weddings shouldn't cost a fortune! When my daughter got married, it cost $4000; 25% of that went to the church which had fees for everything, which didn't make me very happy. I can't wait to read about all your plans. It will be a beautiful wedding!

Linda said...

I am sure your kids are glad to have your help!! Amber planned her own wedding and did it without it costing a fortune and it was memorable! She later went on to become editor in chief of Dallas Brides and Houston Brides - not at the same time, though!. She said if she had to do it again - she would not have changed much about her own wedding!

Theresa said...

Great idea to save some serious cash:) I am going to a wedding next weekend, I LOVE weddings... any day of the week! Enjoy your day dear friend! HUGS!

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...