Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Beautiful Sunday

Sunday was a beautiful day.  A blue sky, warm, sunny day!  A real treat for the end of February.

After church we headed out for Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area.  We love visiting this place where Canada Geese, Tundra Swans, and Snow Geese rest twice a year on their yearly migrations.

It's a tad early in their spring migration north, so the lake wasn't full of these beautiful creatures, but there were hundreds of people there to see them!  We weren't the only ones who decided to get out and enjoy the beautiful day.

 Kamryn, Kyle and I rode in the back of the van.  My mom was with us today, and Vinnie and Emma met us there.

We like to take the half mile hike down to the Point.  You can see the geese flying up off the lake.  They do this every so often.
Next month the lake will be full of of the birds.

 There were lots of cameras with big, big lenses.

 This boy is growing up too quickly.

 It was hard to hear the birds over all the voices but you can see the way the birds will just rise up and fly a bit and land in the lake again.

The visitors center is really educational too.

We stopped and got ice cream cones on the way home, and then had a campfire.

 It was a beautiful day.


Vee said...

You look perfectly content at the end of a beautiful day.

Melissa G said...

Looks like it was a beautiful day made even better by time with family.

Estelle's said...

What a beautiful day to say goodbye to February! This is a beautiful picture of you need to frame this one!

Lisa said...

What a beautiful spot! This was the perfect place to spend a (almost) spring day!

Unknown said...

Wonderful impressions!
Very happy that i found you.
Nice greetings from austria your new follower

Kathleen Grace said...

Hi Deanna, Such a small world! I just saw your comment on the blog about being friends with my nieces and their mom, (Karen). I follow your blog and even though I knew they were friends with a Mrs. Rabe, I never put it together that it was you! For some reason your comment didn't come through on my email, so I'll just let you know here that you are entered for the give away. Thanks for commenting :)

Buttercup said...

Thanks for taking me along on this beautiful walk. Your blog looks so festive!

Debby Ray said...

What a great place to spend a beautiful Sunday!

Laura said...

What a beautiful outing.
It's that time of year, isn't it?
Thank you too for visiting White Spray Paint?

Buttercup said...

Campfire, ice cream and people we love. It doesn't get better.

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...