Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, February 5, 2016


I won a puzzle from Vee, though she didn't tell anyone that she was doing one!  I simply guessed the closest to the amount of time it would take her to do her puzzle.  

She sent a Magic Cloth which I used on some windows today and they look great, and a sweet heart shaped pot holder.  She's a keeper as far as friends go!  She also has great hand writing!

I started the puzzle this afternoon.

I like to start with the edges first so I found all the flat pieces and grouped them.  

As I looked through the puzzle pieces, I put together any that look like they go together.

Rachel helped me for a while and then when Kayleigh arrived to pick up Kamryn, she got into it and we accomplished quite a bit.  I'm done for the day, but will work on it again tomorrow.

Not bad for a quiet Friday afternoon.

Thanks, Vee!


Rebecca said...

Great progress! (You already know we've been puzzling at Gatescroft this winter.) Your plan - border first, etc. - is similar to ours. Trouble is, it leaves the hardest part till last! Still, that's how we've approached all but one of the 5 we will have finished in the past few months...

Vee said...

Checked in last night just before bedtime and too tired to say...Wowzer! You guys work fast! I am truly amazed by how quickly this is coming together. It'll be back in the box by tomorrow or sooner at this rate. Now I am eager to know how the window washing is going...

A pleasant weekend to you...

podso said...

Fun to see this on your table after "watching" Vee make it.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I'm wondering how long it will take you, and helpers to do your puzzle? lol I find the round puzzles quite a novelty - good luck with it.

Lorrie said...

You're going to have that puzzle completed in no time! Vee is a great friend and a generous soul!

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...