My husband had a list of what he wanted to accomplish.
- Get hay.
- Clean out nesting boxes.
- Let the chickens out to free range.
- Wash the van.
There were a few other things, too, mostly chore type things and not projects. He was able to check every one of those items off and it made him see what he had accomplished. It makes him happy.
Me? I rarely make a list. For me a list is a looming thing that hangs over my head, and through the years of mothering and schooling kids, I have learned that my days need to be mostly 'fluid' and not set in stone. I do very well with fluidity.
I was teasing him about his list. I understand him and know how good it makes him feel to see the things he has accomplished at the end of a day. I told him what I got done. Painting on my bookcase, cooked breakfast, made dinner, mopped my bedroom floor, listened to good music, folded laundry. We both accomplished a lot but each in our own way.
It was a good weekend. Sunday was church and a soup and salad luncheon, with games for the afternoon. Then we headed home with some friends for a brief time. Some of our kids came over and ate pizza. Lots of talking and laughing. Emma fixed my knitting! I'm close now to decreasing! Hurrah!
I waxed and sanded the bookcase yesterday. I also tried a bit of dark wax in the detail areas on it, but I'm not sure if I like that or not.
Here it is back in the hallway with natural morning light. It makes the whole hallway brighter. It was previously the same color as the floor.
Here I have the overhead hallway light on.
A look at the dark wax. I may just paint over it, but I'm going to live with it for a while.
I am very happy with this project, and I can't wait to do my bathroom vanity!
How was your weekend?
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My husband lives by his list:) Me, not so much! I make a grocery list and things to buy for a shower list etc. But not a "to do" list on a daily basis! LOVE the bookcase, great job! Enjoy your day dear friend! HUGS!
Looks fabulous, Deanna! I didn't think I'd like the dark wax, but I really do. It gives definition to that design element.
Fun that TIm makes lists. I would say that John doesn't except that I know better from finding all those little notes around. Ha!
Isn't it amazing how lightening up one thing can make the whole area lighter and brighter? I really like your book case and it looks so pretty against the green walls. Your hubby must be like mine... a list maker. I do make a list too for some things but do not adhere to mine like he does his. I also really like your new blog is always a good color! :)
What a great weekend. I love the shelf.
i'm a strange one. i make a daily chore list and if i do something not on the list i'll add it then check it off. strange, huh? it offers a more completed list in my noggin and makes me feel as if i've accomplished quite a lot. then there are those days that i make a list - then make a cup of coffee and try to forget about it. wink.
as to your bookcase. hm. this is what i'd do if i were you..... mix 1 teaspoon clear wax and 1 teaspoon old white ascp. mix it well. then go over the dark wax area then buff. it'll be way more subtle. :)
I am a list maker too. I am so much more productive if it's written there in black and white. That said, I got out of the habit of making a list when our lives were so changed by Ron's illness and long period of recovery. (Why make a list when I don't know what I am doing from one moment to the next?) But now...hmmm...I think I need to resurrect that habit and increase my productivity.
We are all so different, aren't we? You're not a list-maker, but you're far more productive than my list-making self!!
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