Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, February 15, 2016

One? Two! Pink Or Blue?

You wouldn't know by looking at me, but Tim and I are adding to our family in the Fall!

Surprised?  Don't be!  Our married kids are making us grandparents again!  And not just one coupleOh yeah, two couples are expecting in late September!

Kamryn is going to be a big sister!  She has been asking Nate and Kayleigh, since their wedding, when they were going to 'have a baby!'  

 Kamryn at one week in 2010

 Emma and Vinnie are expecting, too!  They are having a sweet little honeymoon baby!

 I'm over the moon excitedWe all are!  We are confirmed baby lovers around here!

What precious gifts we are being given!  


Melissa G said...

This news totally made my day! I'm so happy for both couples! Wow! Two is September. :)

Becky K. said...

Oh Yay! I didn't know about Nate and Kayleigh. How very exciting. The cousins will be so close in age! Happy, Happy news!

Buttercup said...

What wonderful news! So happy for you and your family.

Vee said...

A bumper crop! Warm congrats all around. Kamryn must be over the moon. She will be a very good big sister and cousin.

Sue said...

Congratulations to everyone, this is such a precious blessing, two new babies in the same month!
Many continued blessings,

podso said...

congratulations x 2!

Cheryl said...

Oh my goodness!! You are having double blessings!! Warm congratulations to all of you on this day of happy, happy news!!

Mimi said...

What exciting news! Congratulations!

Estelle's said...

New babies on the way...well...congratulations!!! I know you must be SO excited!

Rebecca said...


Sherry said...

happily living vicariously through you!!!!!!
how exciting ♥♥

Chelsea said...

So thrilled at this news! Emma is going to be an amazing mom. Can't wait to see mini Rabe and mini Vogelaar!

Theresa said...

Oh my goodness, precious gifts indeed:) Congratulations dear friend! I would like to add a few here too:) HUGS!

Humble wife said...

Yay! Having two in one year is pretty amazing and how exciting for you to add to your grandbabies! Blessings for all!

Debby Ray said...

Oh my goodness...there is no news as exciting as that! Congrats to all!!

Karen said...

Wow! Congratulations! So thrilled for all of you!

(I'm behind on my blog reading-so glad I didn't do a mass delete in my reader as I sometimes do...)

Heather said...

So exciting! Congratulations!

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